Development > Artwork
Potential breeder model
lots of details that are modeled should be made with textures. and when you say it only needs textures - textures are harder than modeling. and maybe some animation...
i also suggest using low and high poly models and baking textures. i know you can do that in blender and since you are using it you could do it (lots of guides on youtube). would use less trits for models and would look great in end.
That's exactly why I made the multiresolution sculpt of the mesh - so I could bake it into a normal map and AO map. I tested the 2048x2048 textures and they look reasonably good, though I would recommend using 4096x4096.
In any case, as you don't object to the model so far, I will continue using it as it is when I start texturing on Sunday.
1024x1024 is quite enough. not even sure is game supports bigger textures. im pretty sure none of them in game are bigger.
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