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Different uniforms


Hello everyone,

I have a question about the uniforms. In 2.4 I could equip my soldiers with 4 different types of uniforms - urban, tropical, arctic and desert, although it hadn't made any difference yet. When I downloaded 2.6 I hoped that now it is implemented because I liked the idea of choosing not only weapons and gear, but also camouflage, but the only uniform I can select is urban one. Do you know if other types will be implemented and when?

I'm not sure if we planned to take skins into account in the Visibility System. But I guess VS won't be implemented soon, it is quite a big project and it needs a volunteer to do so. In 2.6 we only have the urban skin, because  - as you see - we got nice new models, but only a single skin for them. If you know an artist who volunteer re-create the skins for the new models {in good quality, and properly licensed} - we would be happy to add them to the game.


--- Quote from: Strzelec on March 08, 2016, 09:30:30 pm ---Hello everyone,

I have a question about the uniforms. In 2.4 I could equip my soldiers with 4 different types of uniforms - urban, tropical, arctic and desert, although it hadn't made any difference yet. When I downloaded 2.6 I hoped that now it is implemented because I liked the idea of choosing not only weapons and gear, but also camouflage, but the only uniform I can select is urban one. Do you know if other types will be implemented and when?

--- End quote ---

I don't know anyone who would like to do that, but anyway, thank you for your explanation. I really like new skins, the armor looks much better know, because it covers almost all parts of the body while the older one covered only head and chest.

You could also try one of Sersanara's mods here he made mods with several different skins (2.5 versions in the second half of the thread should work for 2.6 as well)


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