Technical support > Linux

corrupted xml data

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I don't know, it is a linux error.

I play the 2.5 over wine.

There were no errors before. But today I wanted to load a game and I got the error message: corrupted xml data.

Is there a way to correct it per hand?
Where I can find the nessesary .xml file?

Without more information we cannot help you.

The only bug I recall that was similar is the German translation issue which could have corrupted the savegame.



I don't found any more information in several logfiles.

Where I find the language files (play under wine)?

Ingame is the 26. april 2085.

Short before I saved, I ended a battlemission with a cannonboat-UFO on ground.

Are you playing in German? If not then it isn't the translation bug, the xml data is in the save game (with a binary header and most likely compressed, so it isn't very straight forward to edit by hand) maybe if you post the problem save we can take a look (see here for info where to find saved games — and lang files)

Thanks at first.

Yes I play in German.

I try to find and edit the lang file.

If it is impossible I send the savegame.


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