Technical support > Mac
Trouble Installing on OSX
i think you need at lest mac os X 10.8 and up to run the 2.6 build becuse any mac os x version before that will not work due to the sdl reworking dueing between mac os x version 1-7 get a up to date os thats at lest 8 and up with xcode that comes with sead os and make sure that the game is not run in the dmg but in the apps folder instead if this helps thats how i got it to work becuse durring mac os x 1-7 apple was remodleing there framework files very fast so you need mac os x 8 and up thats when the frame works stoped being moved around and by the way the 2.6 universal build works on mac os x 10.12.1 on my late 2015 27 inch imac with renta 5k just fine with just little to no isues other then kinda some off center click and drag issues
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