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Winning conditions at base defense

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Hey everybody!

I'm in a tough situation. .. one of my bases is under attack by a bomber (the first one within this specific game though). I had NO soldiers at the base at this specific moment.. so I fast hired 12 green guys and gave them whatever equip was available at the market. To help defending the base, I teared down the two laboratories. This limits the base access to the main entrance and the power plant.

Well... thats all fine.. I have enough rounds to set up the base defense before aliens start to enter the base... but I have to be very careful because the green guys are damn poor at their weapons. So I have to wait some rounds to get a perfect opportunity to ambush the aliens already inside base (who are most likely inside the power plant) ...

Today I experienced some kind of "sudden death" .. alien round ended, mine started but immediately all of my guys died and the base was gone.

Is there a winning/losing condition which triggers when an alien is inside the power plant X rounds? ... IIRC there is one with the antimatter storage...

Do you play on v2.6?

On v2.5, I'd bet on 1 rocket launcher, 2 machine guns, 2-3 flame throwers on reaction fire (at least one per hot spot; no alien survive a reaction fire in early game, save the Ortnok), snipers and the rest with assault rifles on controlled fire more (even a rooky can get up to 2 chances out of 3 to hit something), ... and smoke grenades.
However, without any armour, your troopers are likely to be one-shot if they are caught outside of the smoke cover.

Of course, the transport hangars are on the other side of the entrance, and there's a nice "death" corridor between my men and the entrance. Beware the non upgraded radar tower, as it attracts a few aliens (consider it as compromised if next to the entrance, I mean perhaps one Shevaar would have preceded your men in the stairs). Also the first time your main base (first base) is attacked, it's likely that it's not restructured yet: the workshop makes a nice "back door" to make the final swipe quicker and safer.

Well... this didn't answer my question .. but anyways: yes I'm using 2.6-dev  :)

They try to blow up the power plant yes.
You must have encountered what I was looking for here,8875.msg64717.html#msg64717 The code is too complex to grasp for me it seems.
How many turns did the aliens stay in your power plant ? Did they reach the green smoke within the power plant ? Did they stay there for one or several turns ? What was it that lost you the battle ?
I got a few messages about aliens entering their target zone and also about phalanx entering aliens' target zone (I suppose that stops the timer ?). But aliens never reached the green smoke. Make sure you rush to the power plant entrance and block it with a large fire field and keep a few assault troopers ready near the entrances to the power plant to finish aliens that made it in.

hey anonymissimus!

Good to know what let me fail all the time. Thanks for the enlightenment!

I think the aliens were inside the power plant for at least 2 turns when it blew up (I didn't have any of my units inside at the time). I don't know if they reached the green smoke - but I will have an eye on this the next time I've some time to play.

The aliens really tend to rush the power plant. The main entrance is right next to it and every time an alien enters it turns right to the power plant.

Unfortunately I need a minimum of 3-4 rounds before I can enter the power plant with my soldiers.... the aliens have much better spawn points, are much better shooters and have much better armor.

One alien always spawns right inside the main entrance and delays my advance to the power plant. 1-3 other aliens spawn right next to the power plants entrance. Half of my units are on the other side of the base.. and with the low time units of the green guys it takes much time to get them in place.

Usually I don't like to reload savegames .. but this one is so damn tough .. it really is fun and thrill to retry it. I think I will keep the savegame for some lazy and rainy sundays :)

But at least it's only fishing for a good spawn of aliens to be able to win it.


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