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Author Topic: Some game corruptions or non ascertained bugs  (Read 3329 times)

Offline Rodmar

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Some game corruptions or non ascertained bugs
« on: September 20, 2015, 09:06:48 pm »
Here are some examples of what happens on my system. I report them in case some of the devs, or any skilled forum user could spot on a flaw in a given ufo:ai sub-system.
Alas, I couldn't reproduce them so far, or I miss one of the conditions that trigger the "corruption". It's why I don't report them as ascertained bugs.

It's true that I save and reload "a lot" inside the same game session, but each time, saving the game, closing and restarting the program, and reloading the saved game cancels the corruption, so I'd think it's not a matter of a corrupted saved game. Perhaps some kind of overflow?

1/ The rocket "bugs":

Sometimes, when starting a mission with some soldiers overloaded (weight in yellow), it looks like dropping a rocket or a grenade (for GL) from the hand is not the same as dropping it from the belt/holster/backpack. This results in having two stacks of the same item on the ground. I experienced this with HE and IC rockets, and HE grenades.
Sometimes, dropping a rocket stored horizontally in the belt would result in this rocket crossing items already on the ground. This horizontal rocket is stackable. If you take it again and drag it around, you may have it vertical.

Taking them back and dropping them again is doesn't change anything. Those items are still functional.

Offline Rodmar

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Re: Some game corruptions or non ascertained bugs
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2015, 09:11:42 pm »
The three following screenshots display an "horizontal" rocket (taken from the belt) gone wrong on the ground.

The last screenshot is to show that the "free hand" bug may apply to GL grenades too.

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Re: Some game corruptions or non ascertained bugs
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2015, 09:23:47 pm »
2/ The "remembering" overloaded warning message:

Once, and perhaps it's related to the "rocket" bug above, (well, it occurred on the same mission too), I decided to change some soldiers' weapons, i.e. having them drop the weapons on the ground, move and take another one from the ground.
Iris Groisman was a PRL servant, and I had her take a sniper riffle AND a flamethrower, and this was too much.
Every times I selected her  (and opened her equipment window), and until she wasn't overloaded anymore, I got the message: "No more TUs for PRL Aimed Shot (24)" although she wasn't even at the PRL position. Moreover, overloading her again would trigger the warning message again! Note that the "horizontal rocket" bug occurred with Iris Groisman too (one of the screenshots in previous post).
The same undue warning message occurred to another soldier on this mission, this time about a Medipack he had dropped on the ground because he'd got overloaded too.

Offline Rodmar

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Re: Some game corruptions or non ascertained bugs
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2015, 09:29:29 pm »
3/ The blackened wounds info:

Sometimes, the wounds that are listed in red or in blue on the Stats window get blackened. I have to heal the soldiers blindly, until I get the message that no more healing is possible.
The first time it occurred, I perhaps clicked very quickly on the Medipack buttons of two soldiers, but I can't be sure, it's the cause.
This one affected the same soldiers, on subsequent missions, until I restart the game.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2015, 09:32:37 pm by Rodmar »