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Author Topic: [geoscape] Firebird ready for mission misbehavior  (Read 5426 times)

Offline Rodmar

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[geoscape] Firebird ready for mission misbehavior
« on: September 09, 2015, 06:23:17 pm »
Impact on gameplay: none, except if a few kilometers added distance means death to the transport during the return from the mission.
Occurrence: often
Reproducibility: unknown


Sometimes, when a Firebird reached a mission site and action was delayed, and thus the Firebird's stayed in stationary flight for a while, then when you click on the spot to select either the mission site or the transport, and to assign it to the transport or the mission:
  • the game pauses (a normal feature) but the Firebird's route seemingly tells now that it has to fly "some" kilometers more to reach the site (the red line marker).
  • on unpausing however, even on the slowest speed, the Ready window opens immediately (an expected feature) but the Firebird is translated 100 km or more from the mission site.
  • canceling the mission (i.e. further delaying it), or entering the mission give the same outcomes:
    when returning on  the Geoscape, the Firebird is really at this new location, and not at the mission location at all.
  • player gets full control of the Firebird, and the mission can be targeted again if it was canceled.

Does this glitch, or bug, relate to the difficulty the AI sometimes encounters when it tries and compute an interception route (such as going to the antipodes instead of pursuing), or is it related to a kind of "divide by zero" error, because the AI tries and compute a route while the distance is zero? Perhaps the Ready window could prevent such a computation?
« Last Edit: September 09, 2015, 06:36:02 pm by Rodmar »

Offline Rodmar

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Re: [geoscape] Firebird ready for mission misbehavior
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2015, 06:31:43 pm »
Screenshot 1: Firebird is waiting (he reached the site but mission was canceled).

Screenshot 2: Either select the Firebird or the mission site, and assign it the mission or the Firebird, respectively.

Screenshot 3: The Firebird behaves as if it had some distance more to fly (turning to a direction and displaying the red heading/ETA marker).

Screenshot 4: When game is unpaused, the Ready window opens immediately AND the Firebird is teleported where the AI told it ought to go.

Screenshot 5: If the mission is canceled again, the Firebird is really at this new location (it's the same as when the mission is played).

Screenshot 6: The Firebird may target the mission again and will actually flight to it (no "teleportation" this time).

Screenshot 7: The same glitch occurring again...
« Last Edit: September 09, 2015, 06:35:05 pm by Rodmar »

Offline Rodmar

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Re: [geoscape] Firebird ready for mission misbehavior
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2015, 03:02:42 am »
This is perhaps related.
Sometimes, an interceptor launched at a nearby UFO spawns some distance away from its base's symbol on the geoscape.

On the screenshot, the game paused when the Corrupter targeted the interceptor (it turned roughly 180°), which occurred as soon as the interceptor appeared on screen. Note that the Stiletto is not at the base's location, though it would be in the vast majority of the launches.

Offline Rodmar

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Re: [geoscape] Firebird ready for mission misbehavior
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2015, 07:03:13 pm »
Perhaps this other case is related...

This time, it's a Quick Load after a mission was aborted (exited), I hit F9 to reload the campaign.
On the screenshot, we see that the Heracles transport is displayed more than 1H to it's target, yet still being marked as "ready to drop soldiers".
Unpausing the game doesn't correct the display: the Heracles is still "ready to drop..." and at the same, shifted place.
Selecting the target again, cause the transport to move toward it, and the status is then updated to "enroute to a mission"
« Last Edit: November 04, 2015, 07:05:02 pm by Rodmar »