Development > Coding

Using cmake to setup build env

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oh.. btw. I've also prepared the travis build config to build for osx. But as ufoai needs brew stuff installed, someone who knows osx better should check that out, install all the deps and request osx build support activation for travis. Then all the major platforms are build.

Note that I've never used OSX. The cmake build is likely to fail as I did nearly nothing about it.

That's exactly why travis ci is so cool - i don't have a mac, too - but building a cmake based project for macosx and ios.

I've just created a PR with MinGW build with appVeyor (with MinGW, I've activated Radiant build)

Note that I've tried to activate unit tests but for some reason, I get no output with appVeyor. The tests are launched but nothing happens. It seems to work well on Travis (but some tests fail).

That's something with SDL command line applications I think, on windows they output to stdout.txt and stderr.txt instead, there ought to be a way to make it output to the console but I can't remember it.


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