Development > Coding

Using cmake to setup build env

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I've had a look but it might be more complicated than expected. From what I've seen, some compiler flags are used in the common files (at least COMPILE_MAP/COMPILE_UFO but also some more that I don't know like PARANOID)...

Note that one solution could be to separate in the common folder the files that requires some flags and the files that can be safely compiled and linked. We could do that separation in the makefile and compile the common files that need the flags twice. But that would mean that if someone adds COMPILE_UFO in a common source that did not had it, the project will fail with a linker error and it won't be straihtforward to find where the error comes from.
I guess the best would be to split the common folder and make clear that the first part is for common not flagged code and that the second if for COMPILE_UFO/COMPILE_MAP. But I'm not sure the compile time gained is worth it (because it makes a strong link between source files architecture and the flags allowed to be used).


I've added appveyor and travis-ci build support on github. Please check it out at the readme of the project at (the badges)

the files might need some tweaks in .travis.yml and appveyor.yml in the ufoai git root.

I'm not used to travis or appveyor but in travis, it seems like cmake is not used (we can see the error comes from not finding ufo2map not being found).

In appveyor, cmake is used but dependencies are not found. Have you uploaded them ? The easiest (if possible) would be to upload the dependencies in the bundle (link in this thread) and set the UFOAI_DEPS variable.

EDIT: In any case, I'm interested in this kind of build systems for another open source project I'm involved in (Open Dungeons if you want to know) and I will take the opportunity to have a look.

I could setup appveyor to compile UFOAI. If there somewhere where I can upload the deps ? For my tests, I've used a private server to host the file but it would be good to use some UFOAI storage ^^
Note that I just need the deps I've uploaded in this thread available somewhere. If someone could upload it and post the link here, it will be enough.

I will go for a PR as soon as I know where to download the deps from.


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