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2.6 dev turn off pre-purchased equipment, buildings, and employees


Is there any way to turn off the game pre-purchasing equipment when you place your first base? It always buys a bunch of stuff I end up selling which because the selling price is lower than the buying wastes money.

No. But for veterans it would b helpful if we had that kind of option. And also base where we have some available buildings to be build instantly and we could choose place for those buildings.


--- Quote from: Eegxeta on March 23, 2015, 10:14:34 pm ---Is there any way to turn off the game pre-purchasing equipment when you place your first base? It always buys a bunch of stuff I end up selling which because the selling price is lower than the buying wastes money.

--- End quote ---

It doesn't buy anything.

You are taking the control of PHALANX, not building it up. Actually selecting the first base position is a mistake by the old design and it should also be randomly chosen by the Campaign Engine.



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