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Author Topic: Dificulty  (Read 12742 times)

Offline BTAxis

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Re: Dificulty
« Reply #15 on: May 23, 2009, 11:14:39 am »
There are. They start with 'debug_'. Try typing that in the console and pressing TAB, it'll give you a list of possible commands.

That's an unusual name, by the way. How do you pronounce it?


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Re: Dificulty
« Reply #16 on: May 24, 2009, 09:51:24 am »
Hey I'm danish so that's why it's so unusual


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Re: Dificulty
« Reply #17 on: May 24, 2009, 01:40:24 pm »
Sorry to be such a pain in the a..., however I don't get a possible list, only an ability to set the values 1, 2, 3 or 7 to the variable.

A little more information would be nice

Offline BTAxis

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Re: Dificulty
« Reply #18 on: May 24, 2009, 02:02:55 pm »
Oh, sorry, I forgot 2.2.1 didn't have that functionality yet. The commands were called differently in that version. Also, if you aren't running a debug-compiled build, the debug commands won't work.


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Re: Dificulty
« Reply #19 on: May 24, 2009, 03:31:30 pm »
My bad, forgot to mention I've upgraded to 2.3, but I still only get the very limited options.

Offline BTAxis

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Re: Dificulty
« Reply #20 on: May 24, 2009, 05:00:14 pm »
Well, in 2.3-dev I get this:

Code: [Select]
[cmd] debug_teamlist
      Debug function to show all hired and assigned teammembers
[cmd] debug_listitem
      Debug function to show all items in base storage
[cmd] debug_additems
      Debug function to add one item of every type to base storage and mark related tech collected
[cmd] debug_addemployees
      Debug function to add 5 new unhired employees of each type
[cmd] debug_fullcredits
      Debug function to give the player full credits
[cmd] debug_listaircraftidx
      Debug function to list local/global aircraft indexes
[cmd] debug_listaircraft
      Debug function to list all aircraft in all bases
[cmd] debug_listnation
      List all nations on the game console
[cmd] debug_listaircraftsample
      Show aircraft parameter on game console
[cmd] debug_listcities
      Debug function to list all cities in game.
[cmd] debug_listprojectile
      Print Projectiles information to game console
[cmd] debug_alienbasevisible
      Set all alien bases to discovered
[cmd] debug_listalienbase
      Print Alien Bases information to game console
[cmd] debug_listtransfers
      Lists an/all active transfer(s)
[cmd] debug_listufo
      Print UFO information to game console
[cmd] debug_destroyufos
      Destroys all UFOs on the geoscape
[cmd] debug_addalientocont
      Add one alien of a given type
[cmd] debug_hosp_heal_all
      Debug function to heal all employees in the current base completely
[cmd] debug_hosp_hurt_all
      Debug function to hurt all employees in the current base by one
[cmd] debug_listhired
      Debug command to list all hired employee
[cmd] debug_researchableall
      Mark all techs as researchable
[cmd] debug_researchall
      Mark all techs as researched
[cmd] debug_listtech
      Print the current parsed technologies to the game console
[cmd] debug_finishinstallation
      Finish construction of a specified or every installation
[cmd] debug_listinstallation
      Print installation information to the game console
[cmd] debug_buildingfinished
      Finish construction for every building in the current base
[cmd] debug_destroybase
      Destroy a base
[cmd] debug_basereset
      Reset building status and capacities of all bases
[cmd] debug_listcapacities
      Debug function to show all capacities in given base
[cmd] debug_listbuilding
      Print building information to the game console
[cmd] debug_listbase
      Print base information to the game console
[cmd] debug_listinterest
      Debug function to show alien interest values
[cmd] debug_listmission
      Debug function to show all missions
[cmd] debug_delmissions
      Remove all missions from global array
[cmd] debug_addmission
      Add a new mission
[cmd] debug_listcampaign
      Print campaign stats to game console
[cmd] debug_statsupdate
      Debug function to increase the kills and test the ranks
[cmd] debug_listscore
      Shows mission-score entries of all team members
[cmd] debug_stunteam
      Stuns a given team
[cmd] debug_killteam
      Kills a given team
[cmd] debug_edicttouch
      Call the 'touch' function of a given edict
[cmd] debug_edictuse
      Call the 'use' function of a given edict
[cmd] debug_listlm
      Shows a list of current know local models
[cmd] debug_listle
      Shows a list of current know local entities with type and status
[cmd] debug_actorinvlist
      Shows the inventory list of all actors
[cmd] debug_movemark
      Triggers Grid_MoveMark in every direction at the current truePos.
[cmd] debug_tus
      Shows a table of the TUs that would be used by the current actor to move relative to its current location
[cmd] debug_sroute
      Shows the whole server side pathfinding grid of the current loaded map
[cmd] debug_croute
      Shows the whole client side pathfinding grid of the current loaded map
[cmd] debug_sgrid
      Shows the whole server side pathfinding grid of the current loaded map
[cmd] debug_cgrid
      Shows the whole client side pathfinding grid of the current loaded map
[cmd] debug_listinventory
      Print the current inventory to the game console
[cmd] debug_mnorigin
      Transform model from command line.
[cmd] debug_mnangles
      Transform model from command line.
[cmd] debug_mnscale
      Transform model from command line.
[cmd] debug_mngetnodeproperty
      Get a node property
[cmd] debug_mnsetnodeproperty
      Set a node property
[cmd] debug_mnmemory
      Display info about menu memory allocation
[cmd] debug_drawblocked
      Draws a marker for all blocked map-positions.
[cmd] debug_camangles
      Prints current camera angles
[cmd] debug_listreservations
      Prints all reaction- and reservation-info for the team.
[cmd] debug_path
      Display routing data for current mouse position.
[cmd] debug_error
      Just throw a fatal error to test error shutdown procedures
[cmd] debug_help
      Show some debugging help
[cmd] debug_cmdtest
      Calls every command in the current list
[var] debug_showufos       = "0"
      Show all UFOs on geoscape
[var] debug_map            = "0"
      Activate realtime map debugging options - bitmask. Valid values are 0, 1, 3 and 7
[var] debug_menu           = "0"
      Prints node names for debugging purposes - valid values are 1 and 2

You'll notice there are commands for credits and research in there.


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Re: Dificulty
« Reply #21 on: May 24, 2009, 06:14:19 pm »
I only get a debug map listing ...

It's autocompletes to debug_map and that's it.

Using x64 Vista SP1

Offline BTAxis

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Re: Dificulty
« Reply #22 on: May 24, 2009, 07:03:06 pm »
Are you sure your build is a debug build? It should say so on the main menu if it is. If it isn't, it'll say RELEASE, and you can't use the debug commands.


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Re: Dificulty
« Reply #23 on: May 25, 2009, 05:50:01 am »

U will need a DEBUG version (see startup menu screen bottom left) - it should state the version, the date compiled and a RELEASE or DEBUG word. If its compiled by Destructavator or myself, most likely it is. If SVN self compile, under Codeblocks (aka CB here), u will need to go "Build -> Select Target -> Windows Debug".

I will be compiling a new version anyway, if u wan to d/l the easy way, will take me 1/2 a day @ work though. :)

Offline anonymissimus

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Re: Dificulty
« Reply #24 on: February 02, 2015, 12:13:45 am »
What exactly are the conditions for losing ?
In particular, how many nations need to be below the minimum happiness ?
I finally understood what those percentages mean in the difficulty description. A nation gives you happiness * its max funding credits at the start of a month, so that nation's exact happiness can be calculated. Should be explained better. I happened to get that warning about a nation being below the happiness minimum. However, the game didn't end right away at least, and the nation is now above again. Until radar coverage is sufficient, it's problematic to take care for *all* nations.
That happiness minimum is kinda useless btw, since you desperately need the money anyway, so nations should all be exuberant.

I found it in the source. Seems that with 8 nations, 3 are allowed to be below the happiness limit.
There seems to be a bug btw, description for NATIONBELOWLIMITPERCENTAGE implies 4 are allowed, but >= is used, thus it ends already when nationBelowLimit is 4, see cp_campaign.cpp line 395 and following. Most of the time at least...unless that defined constant creates rounding error etc.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2015, 03:01:57 am by anonymissimus »