Technical support > Bugs in development version (2.6-dev)

Memory Leak?


My page file is turned off, so I can tell quite clearly when I run out of RAM because the game closes with an allocation exception.  It doesn't crash in battlescape.  The interface starts chugging in the market with each purchase taking a moment.

I haven't rebuilt in a while (finishing my campaign first) but I noticed this too.

Turning the 'Cache models in menus' option (not its actual name probably, but it should be easy enough to find) on makes things much quicker for me once the whole thing loads (6GB system though). But even then I have to restart every so often...

Indeed. I suspect memory leaks related to market actions too. And I always play on Linux, and it was with 2.5 already. It is most noticable when transferring alien materials or antimatter. Saving and relaunching often increases speed greatly. Perhaps it's related to switching through bases while the market view is open.
So, take valgrind and find it.
Btw, watching the page file grow in task manager is a good indicator as well.

My computer is from ~2007 with 2gb.  But it was free!


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