Technical support > Linux
2.6dev Battlescape wont start
Hey everybody!!
I've just updated my copy of the 2.6dev git and compiled it (for the first time). Everything went fine, game starts but the battlescape won't load when I try to fight aliens at a shot down UFO. Skirmish kicks me back to main menu.
I thought, somethings wrong with the maps, so I checkt if /base/maps folder is present - it is. /base/ufos/maps.ufo present too.
So I tried 'make maps-sync'. This ended in 904 'version mismatch' errors, so I guess thats the problem. Any idea how to solve it? :(
Alternatively I'll download the whole master branch again tomorrow and try again with the completely new files.
My system: debian wheezy
I've compiled 2.5stable some months ago without issues, so the system should be fine.
thanks for your ideas!!
--- Code: ---2014/11/21 22:32:17 Change gametype to 'Skirmish mode'
2014/11/21 22:32:45 Starting skirmish with 12 soldiers and 0 ugvs
2014/11/21 22:32:45 setting game random seed to 61547
2014/11/21 22:32:45 ------- Loading -------
2014/11/21 22:32:45 not found at '/usr/local/lib/'
2014/11/21 22:32:45 not found at '/home/hoiba/.ufoai/2.6-dev/base'
2014/11/21 22:32:45 found at './base'
2014/11/21 22:32:45 tiles: -tropic/tr_ +r04 +craft_drop_firebird +craft_ufo_scout +r05 +r01 +h03 +r02 +r02 +f02 +f05 +f05 +f03 +f04 +f07 +f04 +f02 +f02 +h01 +f05 +f06 +f02 +h04 +f04 +h02
2014/11/21 22:32:45 pos: 8 0 0 8 -24 0 -24 -24 0 -16 0 0 -32 8 0 -8 -16 0 0 0 0 24 16 0 -32 -24 0 -32 -16 0 -32 -8 0 24 8 0 0 16 0 -8 -24 0 0 -24 0 8 -8 0 -32 0 0 -24 0 0 -32 24 0 -24 24 0 -8 24 0 0 24 0 8 24 0 16 -8 0
2014/11/21 22:32:45 tiles: 24
2014/11/21 22:32:45 CM_LoadMap: "-tropic/tr_ +r04 +craft_drop_firebird +craft_ufo_scout +r05 +r01 +h03 +r02 +r02 +f02 +f05 +f05 +f03 +f04 +f07 +f04 +f02 +f02 +h01 +f05 +f06 +f02 +h04 +f04 +h02" "8 0 0 8 -24 0 -24 -24 0 -16 0 0 -32 8 0 -8 -16 0 0 0 0 24 16 0 -32 -24 0 -32 -16 0 -32 -8 0 24 8 0 0 16 0 -8 -24 0 0 -24 0 8 -8 0 -32 0 0 -24 0 0 -32 24 0 -24 24 0 -8 24 0 0 24 0 8 24 0 16 -8 0"
2014/11/21 22:32:45 ********************
2014/11/21 22:32:45 ERROR: Couldn't load maps/tropic/tr_r04.bsp
2014/11/21 22:32:45 ********************
2014/11/21 22:32:46 Shutdown server: Server crashed.
2014/11/21 22:32:46 Unload the game library
2014/11/21 22:32:46 Shutdown gametype 'Skirmish mode'
2014/11/21 22:32:46 Music: track changed from van_theme to van_theme.
2014/11/21 22:32:48 Wrote config.cfg.
2014/11/21 22:32:48 Wrote keys.cfg
--- End code ---
Version mismatch means the your local <some>.map file is not the same as the one the build server compiled (to <some>.bsp). The updater refuses to download other versions to avoid inconsistency.
I'll trigger a new build on the build server to make sure it is up-to-date, but I think to solve the problem you need to update your working copy (git pull --rebase) and retry (make maps-sync).
If there are still some maps missing - well, please tell us - but at last you can always compile them on for yourself (make maps).
Hey geever!
Thanks for your fast reply! Your suggestions worked.
But I had to 'git stash' before 'git pull --rebase' .. something was wrong with my copy of the files. Don't know why. After the --rebase the maps-sync worked fine. Battlescape does start now.
Thanks for your help. Keep up the great work! The game is awesome!
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