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Why is this so goddamn hard?

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pete conway:

--- Quote from: TBeholder on September 14, 2015, 03:49:12 pm ---
 Or better nuke AM slugs. If proportionally destructive (as in, volume of slugs vs. AR bullets), it would be blaster-grade overkill.

--- End quote ---
Funny thing that... I was thinking the self same thing just a few days ago but dismissed it as an idea as, well, I figured it had already occurred to the devs and been rejected, I like Shiplt's needler flechette idea too one or both would bring the close range combat back into play.

No AM (or nuclear :P) hand-held weapons ammo please, but an EP shotgun slug could be a thing — in fact I wonder why it wasn't included with the rest of the EP ammos, seems like it would be easier to fit a miniaturized plasma blade in a shotgun shell than in a rifle one...

pete conway:
Ooops... I did actually mean plasma not Anti Matter as we don't even have AM rockets or grenades let alone smaller rounds. 
anyway I think the topic has drifted from what it was, and these suggestions might be better in, well. suggestions really. :)

Well, there is an AM bolter rifle round, but that is a big weapon, after all...

Though, if we have AM missiles as an air to air weapon, is it that much of a stretch to have an anti matter bazooka round, or grenade launcher round ... actually, it probably is - containing antimatter in such a launch on such a scale is a bit silly.

One weapon that is not implemented in the game, though it's being used currently, up to the point to replace the flamethrower in most situations, is the Full Air Explosive or thermobaric bomb/missile/rocket.

For now, it's still heavy and big AoE.

What if the alien nanotechnology could allow the PHALANX engineers to devise a much smaller casing, so that a thermobaric rocket ammo could become available for the PRL? A Mother of Rockets?
Miniaturization is critical because if not, the weapon is deemed a non-conventional one, and not fit to deal with civilian rescuing situations. Moreover, PHALANX can't afford to "groznyize" every site they come to secure.

Damage type could be "blast" (much higher than current blast damages, largest AoE radius of all) + "incendiary" (1 turn only, low damage, smaller radius). Even shrapnel (smaller radius) could be added to the weapon, as it's currently experimented.

Only a heavy body armour could protect the aliens caught in the blast (when heavy armour is available). Or only an Ortnok in medium armour?


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