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Author Topic: Extremely laggy maps in 2.5 / low fps maps  (Read 2758 times)

Offline beng

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Extremely laggy maps in 2.5 / low fps maps
« on: January 25, 2015, 03:55:03 am »
In 2.5 there are a couple of extremely laggy maps or low frame rate maps where the lag is so severe it is unplayable. The lag affects the mouse so when I move the mouse around the screen the mouse cursor does not move and the view does not pan.
I am running Windows XP SP3 and a dual core intel processor and on board intel graphics.

One map is kind of a mix of the hedgerows from the cemetery map and the big white house with a huge underground basement but i am not sure as i could not pan around the map to see all of it. It was so laggy my computer acted like it was hung so I had to press and hold the power button to reboot it. I only saw this map once, and it may have had "jungle" or "tropical" in the name.

Another map is the one called "Bridge", which has a long railway viaduct on pillars running across it, and brown ground and lots of junk and something burning on fire and lots of uneven wooden fences.  It is often used for a crashed small UFO. This is just about playable if I zoom in and look down on my soldiers.  If I zoom out or tilt the view to look across the map, it becomes so laggy that it is unplayable. This is a pain because the aliens are often far across the map and I want to tilt the view to see what is blocking a line of shot to them or to see if civilians are in the way but I can't because it will lag so bad it becomes unplayable.  I suspect it may have something to do with too high a poly count, perhaps with all those uneven boards in the fences or something.

Offline geever

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Re: Extremely laggy maps in 2.5 / low fps maps
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2015, 02:59:35 pm »
on board intel graphics.

^ Almost explains everything. :)

Even a 9 years old NVidia card does 20 times better job in 3d graphics performance than a recent on-board intel GMA...

What you can try is disabling shader effects in Advanced video options menu.
