Technical support > Linux
2.5 release RPM packages for Fedora available
Hello, I have UFO: AI 2.5 packaged for Fedora.
Here is a repository:, you can make your package manager use it by installing utility package ufoai-repo-1-1.noarch.rpm (2 KiB) so you will be able to install the game through software control center or likely update your UFO: AI 2.4.
Alternatively you can just type in console as root one of following lines:
32 bit
yum install
64 bit
yum install
UFO: AI requires 1.2 GiB of free space.
Server and map editor are packaged too, see the repo
These packages were created using *.spec files provided by Szpak from this topic and originally maintained by Karel Volny and Nicolas Chauvet from RPM Fusion. I'll publish my changes to github eventually.
There are also plans to package 2.6-dev, not sure when.
Note: packages are unsigned yet, the package managed will complain about that, just ignore it until I remedy that.
Note 2: I am not a member of UFO:AI development team, therefore my repository is not official. You can receive support or contact me either using this topic or by email
Note 3, important: I will leave for a vacation for a two weeks and I'll be unavailable. Excuse my for that, but I decided to not delay release. I hope everything will be fine while I'm out an you will enjoy the game!
I cannot register in wiki or edit pages anonymously. Someone, please copy important parts of the post to and other appropriate pages.
First of all thanks for the packaging 2.5 release, it made this weekend gone so fast :D. While playing campaign I found there are few maps mising, namely Old Mine and Office.
There's no trace of those maps in the map package. May I ask you to confirm checkout from repo is missing those two too?
BTW wouldn't it make sense to submit your spec file to RPMFusion? They have all the infrastructure to build the packages making it easy to provide packages for current and future Fedora releases.
--- Quote from: Xeno on August 19, 2014, 12:41:43 pm ---While playing campaign I found there are few maps mising, namely Old Mine and Office.
There's no trace of those maps in the map package. May I ask you to confirm checkout from repo is missing those two too?
--- End quote ---
Repository has these maps, but due to some reasons (incorrect md5sum, for example) they can be downloaded only manually or built locally via ufo2map $PATH_TO_MAP_FILE.
--- Quote ---* base/maps/
* base/maps/
* base/maps/
* base/maps/solarplant/
* base/maps/village2/
--- End quote ---
Hello folks, I'm back!
About the maps issue: I used archive with prebuilt maps provided by UFO:AI team on sourceforge. They shouldn't be broken by me, but I'll check and find out what's gone wrong. Thanks for the feedback.
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