Development > Newbie Coding
ANSI C99 guideline & c++ generics language feature
I noticed in the source of list.h the following code:
--- Code: ---template<typename T> inline T& LIST_Add(linkedList_t** const list, T const& data)
return *static_cast<T*>(LIST_Add(list, &data, sizeof(data))->data);
--- End code ---
To my knowledge, templates are a C++ language feature. The coding guidelines state: use ANSI C99 only. I'm asking this because
I'm working on a hash table implementation. A generic hash table could be much easier written if we could use some of the C++ language features like "generics". How strict should I follow the guideline?
Any thoughts?
--- Quote from: xray on July 11, 2014, 08:38:35 pm ---The coding guidelines state: use ANSI C99 only.
--- End quote ---
Disregard that, the coding guidelines are out of date, the project has since then been "converted" to C++, but the new guidelines were never fully agreed on (you can see some discussion on it here if you want)
Great. This simplifies some things a lot.
Does this mean the STL can also be used? This way, I can skip working on the hash table since STL already has excellent associative containers ready for use.
about half of the programming team (including me) are against using stl
my personal reasons are: not thread safe, unsafe iterators, unsafe realloc behaviour. Not to mention compiler errors which do not fit into 256 characters and consist mostly of ::<>::<>::<>
--- Quote from: Sandro on July 13, 2014, 09:26:51 pm ---about half of the programming team (including me) are against using stl
my personal reasons are: not thread safe, unsafe iterators, unsafe realloc behaviour. Not to mention compiler errors which do not fit into 256 characters and consist mostly of ::<>::<>::<>
--- End quote ---
A clear statement. Hadn't thought about these issues.
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