I've recreated a small part of the file main.ufo into lua to show what it could look like in lua (see code snippet below). Added some comments to explain a bit what is happening. Feel free to post any comments on it.
As for the actual implementation. I'm planning to use SWIG to create the binding between lua and the ufo main C/C++ code. The advantage of this is, that should lua evolve (chances are it will), the SWIG tool will handle this. Also, SWIG provides binding implementation for multiple dynamic languages, so should the need arise to actually switch to another script language, it will be a lot easier to do.
-- definitions of named colors (not present yet, names are illustrative)
-- contains entry: COLOR_DARK_YELLOW = [0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 1.0]
-- contains entry: COLOR_WHITE = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
require ("_colors.ufo")
-- create title control
local lb_title = Label ("_UFO: ALIEN INVASION", 500, 50, 262, 50, "f_title", [0.59, 0.78, 0.56, 1.0], ALIGN_CC)
-- create facebook button
local btn_facebook = Button ("_Facebook", 10, 720, 80, 20, COLOR_DARK_YELLOW)
btn_facebook.tooltip = "_Like us on facebook"
btn_facebook.padding = 0
btn_facebook.selectcolor = [1, 1, 1, 1]
function btn_facebook:onClick ()
-- todo
-- create twitter button
local btn_twitter = Button ("_Twitter", 100, 720, 70, 20, COLOR_DARK_YELLOW)
btn_twitter.tooltip = "_Follow us on twitter"
btn_twitter.padding = 0
btn_twitter.selectcolor = COLOR_WHITE
function btn_twitter:onClick ()
-- todo
-- import a button defined in _assets.ufo.lua (the .lua is added automatically)
require ("_assets.ufo")
-- create button CAMPAIGN
local btn_campain = MainMenuBtn ("_CAMPAIGN")
function btn_campaign:onClick ()
-- todo
-- create buttons panel
local pnl_buttons = Panel ()
pnl_buttons.pos = [312, 250]
pnl_buttons.size = [400, 400]
pnl_buttons.layout = LAYOUT_TOP_DOWN_FLOW
pnl_buttons.layoutMargin = 15
-- create the main window
local main = Window ()
main.background = "ui/main_bg"
main:add (title)
main:add (btn_facebook)
main:add (btn_twitter)
main:add (pnl_buttons)