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Author Topic: RC6 experience  (Read 4160 times)


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RC6 experience
« on: November 24, 2006, 03:19:12 pm »
hey .. just my 2 pennies/cents/drachmas etc...  :)

the RC6 is crashing less than the RC5... ( good job!)
and I saw there is more ammunition for the rocket launcher.... ( tachion and inc...).. i just dont use it...

cool maps! - the metro and couple of others industrial maps....  :lol:

is it possible to make the maps bigger? or at least make the aliens spread...
because when i make formation of two flame throwers near a door and a sniper as a support due to the new retaliation fire i can kill six aliens in their own round... they just come one after another to the inferno... and the last one get a tachion bullet in his brain...
kinda easy....  :twisted:

(RC5 was not giving multiple retaliation shots, only one...)

and I still cant research xenobiology...
can you tell me please if it hasnt been implemented or am i missing some part of the game?



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RC6 experience
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2006, 07:59:42 am »
got the same problem with xenobiology research i think it isnt implemented yet.

I think the maps are large enough and there are bigger maps (Port map) . But you are right the Aliens are some Kind of stupid while passing through covered doors they always use the direct Way to you and run into reaction Fire. Would be more difficult if they would choose another way if they notice the door is covered.


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RC6 experience
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2006, 03:58:09 pm »
well, i thought that the xenobiology is the science of the alien's biology. i tried to catch some aliens (and succeeded), but it seems, that nothing happened...


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RC6 experience
« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2006, 04:20:50 pm »
Hi all :D
I just want to add my experience with the rc6 (sorry for my english, i'm french...).
I know the game is not finished... but i have spent a few hour on it... to see finally the "end of demo" ;)
What i think about it ? :
- Some bugs... all recensed on the bugtrack
- I was a fan of the original xcom... and ufo:ai give me the same feeling :)
- The design is very good
- The game is too short... of course :wink:

I have read many topic here... and all my suggest/bug have been said by someone else... so i just want to say a big thanks to the team and many good thing for all of you on this ending year... hope to see the progress of this game soon :)