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compiling problems

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I had 2.5 compiled and working on ubuntu 12.04 before, I hadn't played in a long time and after recently installing 14.04 I wanted to see what's new and headed to get the source, but I guess I must be doing something wrong... I can't find an executable to launch the game after compiling??

I read through the instructions pages best I could and got the source with

--- Code: ---git clone -b master git://
--- End code ---

and dependecies

--- Code: ---mk-build-deps
sudo dpkg -i ufoai-build-deps_2.5-dev-1_all.deb
sudo apt-get -f install

--- End code ---

I'm not seeing any errors returned from running these, but then

please post the error ;)

oops! accidentally posted before the message was finished =D Here it is:

I had 2.5 compiled and working on ubuntu 12.04 before, I hadn't played in a long time and after recently installing 14.04 I wanted to see what's new and headed to get the source, but I guess I must be doing something wrong... I can't find an executable to launch the game after compiling??

I read through the instructions pages best I could and got the source with

--- Code: ---git clone -b master git://
--- End code ---

checked out to 2.5

and dependecies

--- Code: ---mk-build-deps
sudo dpkg -i ufoai-build-deps_2.5-dev-1_all.deb
sudo apt-get -f install

--- End code ---

I'm not seeing any errors returned from running these, but then

--- Code: ---./configure
Could not find SDL.h
Could not find SDL_mixer.h
Could not find SDL_ttf.h
Could not find picomodel.h
--- End code ---

make works for a long time as expected and ends with
--- Code: ---make: *** [testall] Error 1
--- End code ---
entire make:

There seems to be a lot of references to /usr/* ufo directories, but they have not been created as far as I can tell.

I recently built it following on precise; try the manual installation of prerequisites ?

I have ran
--- Code: ---sudo apt-get install \
   libsdl1.2-dev libsdl-ttf2.0-dev libvorbis-dev zlib1g-dev gettext libtheora-dev \
   libjpeg8-dev libpng12-dev libcurl3-dev libsdl-mixer1.2-dev \
   libxml2-dev libopenal-dev p7zip-full libcunit1-dev binutils-dev libxvidcore-dev libmxml-dev
--- End code ---

--- Code: ---sudo apt-get install libcunit1-dev
--- End code ---

then I tried
--- Code: ---mk-build-deps
sudo dpkg -i ufoai-build-deps_2.5-dev-1_all.deb
--- End code ---

At this point running apt-get install -f doesn't install anything else.

Just reading at the debian instructions, I would assume that dependencies are met; but something appears to be missing anyway... ??


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