Technical support > Mac

A little help?

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Crash report for 2.4

the mac os version you have is so old i'm surprized that it even could even log in on to the internet WHY ARE YOU USEING a mac os version thats SO OLD that  NO LONGER EVEN SURPORTED BY LIKE 100% not even the earlyest open sorce games that are like 12+ years old wont run on that os get mac os x 10.8 is the oldest os the ufo ai sdl can work on

the game crashes the moment you try to run a 64 bit game on a 32 bit MAC OS X version the log says the your os is 32 bit and the build is at lest 64 bit why are you useing mac os x 10.6 that  is so old that not even the basic of the most basic will run your os is like no longer sorpoted by even apple them self heck it's not even sold in apple stores anymore in fact no mac programer with any common sense will toch mac os x 10.7 with a 100 foot pole and even mac os x 10.8 is no longer sorported everyone else that can do anything on a mac uses like mavrick and de captain and serea only now you cant even update you os to mac os x 10.9 and up without manaly geting puting the mac os x 10.8 sistem install disks and install mac os 10.8 first it looks like you need to eather install mac os x 10.8 ferst then update mac os x 10.9 to mac os x 10.12 useing the app store  do you know that mac os x 10.6 and mac os x 10.7 dont even HAVE a app store to even update WITH and for free too OR GET A GOSH DARN NEW MAC THAT DOSN"T HAVE A OS THATS SO OLD IT CANT  EVEN HAVE A GOSH DARN ABITY TO HAVE ONLINE UPDATES OR USE SDL FRAME WORKS OR EVEN CANT RUN UFO AI BECUSE EVEN THE UFO AI 2.4 dev build is newer then that crap

Ummm... I don't know, but I doubt the OP can appreciate your help (or even realise that you posted) it's been over 3 years since the last post after all


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