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Author Topic: Is there really any point in equipping armor?  (Read 24476 times)

Offline cevaralien

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Re: Is there really any point in equipping armor?
« Reply #30 on: August 08, 2014, 10:35:47 pm »
They do, at least in 2.6.
Moving through smoke, or ending your turn in smoke will incur a small amount of stun damage, if you don't wear a face-concealing armor.
The amount is very small, but can accumulate if you spend way too much time in smoke.

Ahhm interestng. Im  playing 2.5

Offline Seerorin

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Re: Is there really any point in equipping armor?
« Reply #31 on: August 17, 2014, 01:35:43 pm »
I think there is a point of equipping at least in 2.5. My squad was in only about 9 missions overall(early game). Even with losing and replacing a few goons my weakest man has a strenght of 39. My sniper is the best man on the squad 41 strenght,45 accuracy and 52 sniper skill no way he could be outsniped by anything. He can hit for 70% when shooting aliens for whom other troops with similar assault stat would only hit for about 20%. So I think transition to EM rifles will be smooth. Even thinking about bringing a secondary sniper into the team. Grenade launcher is something witch is nice but I don't really like that the grenadier is getting cheerleader and finishing off anything with little to no XP for others. He needs to became pretty tanky. So my only concern is that I have to rely on alien plasma weapons cause I didn't got any lasers. Also have to take UFOs apart and I don't have money for a secondary base. But on the topic most of my team(six man). Are from my basic team. They are pretty much good to go soldiers all with a 40+ skills in their own speciality. Able to carry any weponry what is needed. So I don't think weight/emcumbarance is really a problem if you are choosing your basic troops right and they live for a little time. My only concerns will be secondary teams... Dunno how I would be able to fill them with good ppl. I have only this 8 good soldiers and not really into rotating them. New recruits are really weak compared to then in any aspect...