Technical support > Feature Requests
Saving during missions.
--- Quote from: TheOnlySkyfire on February 09, 2014, 06:28:40 pm ---If some day a code magician appears out of nothing and wants to write saving routines for the battlescape and may reprogram the battlespace itself to allow saving AND want to preserve the original design decision for prevent exploiting the save system, he could set up a single save slot for the actual mission and "just" safe every single advancement within the mission - so the save doesn't saves you from dangerous decisions.
--- End quote ---
There is no way to prevent exploitation... There is a thing on the computer called "Filesystem". Even we save to a single slot, the player can Alt+Tab and make a copy of the actual state and revert it later.
If we uploaded the state to a server that would make it harder, but then
1. We made the game depend on the internet
2. We would need a server that can handle the data ($$)
3. The player could still find the point where the game uploads the state and terminate the game before (the exploitation hole still exist)
So what.
And if you have a VM running, you can snapshot every move. And rewind to where ever you want, throwing away all random-mess, or not depending on the randomizer used.
If you have to copy your file on every step you done so far, its already a pain in the butt. If you store some global additional indicator data at some places in the game unrelated to the slot, and overwrite this thing like every 5 seconds even when idle (and of course when leaving the game) you need 4 files to save after every step. This reference might such simple thing like the number of all intermediate safes since the mission starts. Connect it with the random number generator outputs (its seed saved with the mission data and randomly chosen at game starts) you can't even do the exact same move repeatedly for getting different results, but have to do another thing (though you might want to do another thing anyway). What if that random generator choose where to write and read the reference out of 30 unrelated files (like mapdata, the executable etc.). Then you have to overwatch the file system very carefully... or have to mod your safe game mechanism...
There is something called convenience. The magician may design the safe system convenient for breaks and inconvenient for safes on regular basis - and that might be good enough. :-)
Wrinting that 'reference data' to 'unrelated' ufo files would certainly confuse both MAKE and GIT.
I always thought we don´t have battlescape saves by design, not for technical reasons.
Treu, but it never hurts to also know all about the technical aspects.
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