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Author Topic: Intermittant Time-Freezing When Launching an Aircraft.  (Read 2925 times)

Offline break19

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Intermittant Time-Freezing When Launching an Aircraft.
« on: November 06, 2013, 07:01:26 am »
Whenever I launch an aircraft, either my dropship, or an interceptor, the geoscape seems to pause for a variable amount of time, from a second or two, up to 30 seconds or more.

I can still pan/zoom and interact with various items on the geoscape, but the time just refuses to start.  Eventually, it starts, and the game progresses as normal.

This issue is in the nightly of win32 2.5-dev, downloaded on 5 November 2013, but is also in the ufoai-stable-win32.exe download, from 12 Oct 2013.

Attached is the console logfile.

My specs are as follows:
AMD Phenom II x2 3.1Ghz
850+ GB free HDD space
Radeon 6670 2GB w/  Catalyst 13.9

For the record, 2.4-stable did not have this issue, but did have the known bug of freezing when UFO and an interceptor of the same speeds were "together" on the geoscape.

Offline break19

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Re: Intermittant Time-Freezing When Launching an Aircraft.
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2013, 01:14:37 am »
Did I not explain the issue well enough? Did I not include enough information?

I'm at a loss here.  This issue is extremely aggravating, and, as yet, I've seen no information on a work around, or a cause, or even a "Sorry, we're looking into it."

I understand this is a free game, and as such, the devs are probably doing it in their spare time, but an acknowledgement of the issue, or even a "works for me and these are my specs" would be nice.


Offline DarkRain

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Re: Intermittant Time-Freezing When Launching an Aircraft.
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2013, 06:26:43 pm »
I think you just need a little more patience, most devs are very busy with RL at the moment and things are moving very slowly, probably no body has got to check this yet...

Anyway it's been a while since I last played the game, but I seem to recall sometimes there where a couple seconds lag when intercepting
Does it still happen if you select a high time lapse?

Offline break19

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Re: Intermittant Time-Freezing When Launching an Aircraft.
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2013, 07:23:12 pm »
yes, no matter the timelapse speed, the geoscape is simply paused..