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Author Topic: Base Transfer gone wrong... A situation where all you can do is laugh...  (Read 3229 times)

Offline Eegxeta

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So I was setting up my second base and I got it to the point where I could actually house soldiers, equipment and aircraft, so I started a transfer of my second team soldiers and their equipment. Meanwhile a terror mission popped up so I sent the first team. When the Firebird got over Asia(where my second base was) a UFO popped up and started flying towards it. So I switched homebases and launched my interceptors from my second base. They didn't make it on time... A rescue mission popped up, unfortunately I had no dropships or money to buy one. So I started selling stuff to get the money and I bought the dropship only to realize that switching homebases stopped the soldiers from team two from transferring, but not their equipment. So I had my dropship and all my equipment in one base, my soldiers in another and no money. One 24 transfer later and it was too late. I of course forgot to save so I couldn't try again. Curse you autosave why did you abandon me!
« Last Edit: October 15, 2013, 03:36:10 pm by Eegxeta »

Offline Eegxeta

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Re: Base Transfer gone wrong... A situation where all you can do is laugh...
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2013, 03:40:35 pm »
Is it just me or are these forums too serious. Doesn't anyone go and post amusing stories of blunders in their defense of Earth? Or have any other fun discussions?

Offline AntJam

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Re: Base Transfer gone wrong... A situation where all you can do is laugh...
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2013, 05:57:10 pm »
since 2.5 I think people are too busy screaming in frustration and lamenting the poor demise of that mid-range soldier who has been along for the ride in 20 missions but done jack and finally gets killed by bouncing a plasma grenade off the head of the guy in power armour standing in front of him...either that or they just have repetitive strain injury from hitting the retry button

Offline Bonzo

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Re: Base Transfer gone wrong... A situation where all you can do is laugh...
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2013, 04:16:56 pm »
I *like* 2.5... although during study jams my flatmates seem not to be too happy when I suddenly burst out laughing having wiped out my entire team with a mis-click. I'll convert them though. :D

The best parts are when you think you're taking a calculated risk with the grenade launcher - like taking out a certain ortnok sniper through a small window - when something totally unaccounted for happens instead - like a sudden burst of reaction fire from an unseen enemy breaking the glass you were hoping to bounce 'nades off and suddenly all the civilians are plasma-cooked...


Oh wait, I'm supposed to be trying to win or something, aren't I...

Offline Eegxeta

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Re: Base Transfer gone wrong... A situation where all you can do is laugh...
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2013, 05:19:49 pm »
On the one game I played, where the third UFO I saw was a harvester, I sent my second team to go deal with it and it happen to be in a desert in the middle of the Amazon (You be surprised by how often that happens). So I wound up with a rookie team in a long range fight with no cover. I kept trying to get everyone in the rescue zone I ended up getting six of eight in because the last two guys were doing the best. I ended up with everyone but three guys critically injured and in the turn I finally got the guys in the drop ship an alien with a plasma rifle managed to get at that angle where he could see everyone and promptly went full auto on number 8 who was, of course, standing in the back so exactly this sort of this wouldn't happen.  In the end I managed to win the battle with no loses by getting lucky and most of the aliens spawned inside the UFO so I was able to get my soldier with the grenade launcher close enough to shoot at them. I swear the grenade launcher has to be one of, if not the, best weapons in the game.