General > User modifications
Weapon Mod for 2.5 dev
if not too much bother Might change this assault rifle m45 for the same you did with the first command you through a saludo.prefiero change this by assalto rifle.
This is the best that I stay the mhk5 if you can change it by assault rifle, thank you very much friend will try next to make armor, greetings. ;) ;)
so sorry to bother you, I command these three weapons if you can change all the assault rifle, I'll go after the changing, thanks again and sorry for the inconvenience greetings friend. :-[ :-[ ;)
--- Quote from: AntJam on November 12, 2014, 12:34:06 am ---added the last tt model as the m5 machingun (uses the machine gun ammo) to the mod. By the way weapons in ufo cant use dual ammo types at the same time so you'd have to reload the weapon to swap between grenades and bullets losing any unspent rounds in the process so the 2 model 44 would only be cosmetic (or very wasteful of ammo)
--- End quote ---
if there would be special one granade ammo lighter and chepaer than 6 ammo packs for granade launcer. it would be more realistic since those granade launcers attached to raifles are one ammo granade launcers. it would be really nice if we would have that kind of weapon in game. but not as m4 but something else.
also would it be possible to use knife/bayonet on rifle? that plasma knife you can research later to be used on some sort of coil assault rifle of human origin? i know someone said we have enough weapons but coil assault rifle with coul granada launcehr could be very interesting weapon. someting like more accurate than assault rifle we have now, stronger but with lower fire rate.
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