General > User modifications

Weapon Mod for 2.5 dev

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Tried the big model and attempting to export to md2 gives an error saying a max of 4k (approx) triangles for md2. Unfortunately the first model (5blend) seems to have some serious errors and crashes blender as soon as I try to export to md2. There are also some visual differences switching between edit mode and object mode this is usually a sign of modelling problems I think you'll need to redo it, I had a quick attempt at repairing it but it needs some serious re-working

thank you very much I send another model with fewer polygons friend

2 model 44 thk

added the last tt model as the m5 machingun (uses the machine gun ammo) to the mod. By the way weapons in ufo cant use dual ammo types at the same time so you'd have to reload the weapon to swap between grenades and bullets losing any unspent rounds in the process so the 2 model 44 would only be cosmetic (or very wasteful of ammo)

thk my friend, one millon thk ;)


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