General > User modifications

Mod problem (solved)


I'm trying to make a new weapon mod. I have the weapon and ammo appearing in game ,its buildable and buyable and I've even used it to kill aliens. But I cant get it to appear in the ufopedia. In the market you can click on the info icon (top right of weapon image) and it goes to an entry for my weapon with the correct text so everything is there and working but still no entry in ufopedia. Using 2.5 from 21.9.13
attached is a .txt file with the weapon and tech details from my .ufo file maybe someone can take a look I'm sure its something obvious

EDIT...see next post

Well for no reason that I can exactly find it suddenly started working today. I had been seperating out some of the files for esier managment so maybe there was a conflict in combining too many data types into one ufo file.

Just discovered something interesting.... having more than 4 ammunition types for a single weapon causes the game to crash when entering the equip soldiers screen. I suppose 5 different ammo types was getting a little greedy looks like I need a slight rethink  ;)

Can confirm that for items to appear in the UFOpedia the tech entries must be in a .ufo file named alphabetically AFTER research.ufo

please open bugtickets for this.


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