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Author Topic: "We'd rather get et by alien robot spiders, thanks anyway." (Possible spoilers!)  (Read 5880 times)

Offline Schilcote

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Why do the PHALANX supporter countries pull out?

In X-COM they had a good reason; the aliens offered 'peace treaties', and though the aliens weren't exactly trustworthy it seems reasonable that governments might see a treaty as an attractive option if X-COM shows it can't win the war.

UFO:AI doesn't have that though; at least, as far as I'm aware. PHALANX is the only hope; however poorly they're doing, pulling their funding isn't going to make the bloodspiders any less interested in sucking out your guts. Now, we could just rip off X-COM, but I don't like that idea. So, here's two more (mind you, I haven't read all the story yet in the latest dev version, but don't worry about spoiling me):

My first thought is that the member governments simply can't fund PHALANX anymore. The aliens target infrastructure and factories instead of just randomly collecting biomass like the current research text seems to suggest. Eventually, if PHALANX doesn't succeed in shooting down enough UFOs, the supporter nations just can't economically function anymore, and have to pull out. This doesn't make perfect sense though; surely 'avoiding species-wide annihilation' would be absolute top priority above everything (of course, that raises the question of why PHALANX has to buy its own equipment...)?

Second thought, which is slightly better, is mind control. I assume there's plans to implement mind-control tech like X-COM had, since soldiers have Mind scores and everything now, and we know the aliens are telepathic. If the aliens scaled that up, they could simply mind-control large masses of people to not pay their taxes (or, perhaps more likely, just make them lie down and do nothing). This kind of ties into the former, with the governments simply being unable to fund PHALANX anymore, but doesn't require that the alien strategy change that much and seems to fit a little more with their nature. One successful op by the aliens could disable a huge number of people, making them easier to collect. Plus, the player could launch missions to destroy the control transmitters, giving us a way to take our funding back!

Of course, both of these assume the governments are taking the alien threat seriously; I realize they don't ever actually come out and say "we intend to exterminate everyone". But I don't think it's really very realistic that any government would say "yeah, they're killing people and experimenting on them and all, but I really think we should be spending more on schools and roads..."


I put this in Feature Requests because there's no 'story discussion' board. I request that the plot make sense! :P


Oh, I suppose that's what the Design subfourm is for. Got too excited, I guess.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2013, 08:17:22 pm by Schilcote »

Offline Eegxeta

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Your on to something, but instead of that off the wall mind control thing. The UFOs are collecting people. If the UFOs take too many people the country loses its ability to fund you so if too many UFOs make a successful mission then the country will send less funds because it simply can't send more.   

Offline Schilcote

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That'd be an awful lot of people, though.

Offline Eegxeta

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That is true but wouldn't the mind control wear off after the aliens leave anyway. The mind control has to be done by a telepath and I don't see how that could extend to affect large enough areas to impact the funding.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2013, 02:13:36 am by Eegxeta »

Offline Eegxeta

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The governments could say your not working we are better off using the money to protect ourselves. The opening story said they had little success so if you don't do better than they did they stop funding.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2013, 02:17:16 am by Eegxeta »

Offline Schilcote

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Well, that's the thing (and it's been discussed in other threads, I notice); PHALANX is, as far as we can tell, the only entity on Earth that is actually doing anything about the aliens.

I was thinking they'd set up transmitters that broadcast the telepathic signal, with a few guards to watch the thing, and you'd have to send a dropship to the transmitter to shut it down.

Offline Eegxeta

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Ok I have to say this now when I make a post I usually go back right away and add stuff. Just thought I should say because you responded so fast. Plus I type slow.

That does sound like a good content idea like there is a sudden decrease in funding for no reason.

There is signs of other people doing stuff about the aliens a UFO you shot down isn't going anywhere and I doubt the aliens have the means to fix it, but after awhile the mission just disappears like someone dealt with it. If they got picked up you'd see a UFO land there.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2013, 02:24:18 am by Eegxeta »

Offline MonkeyHead

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I assume this will be tied in to the XVI polt element - if a population ends up with a signifigant proportion of its inhabitants under hive mind control, clearly it will no longer function.

Offline Eegxeta

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That would be nasty because this would be a big drop in funding and you would definitely need to do research and maybe even build a installation in a base or outside a base.

Offline TheOnlySkyfire

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I thought about this a little. Seeing the number of alien operations and the attack pattern, the nations might have founded PHALANX as a secret special operations organization anyway, assuming, that the aliens do not really invade, and the armies can't deal with alien operations because of the asymmetry of operations.
The aliens operate in small groups (like special ops) but with a fire power of small armies, when on ground, and they are quite hard to attack in open air for early stopping them. And an attacking army (which could certainly bring them down after some experience collected at their first attacks) would just make them start their ships and bombard the troops.

So the nations have founded a special ops organization, to fit exactly to the thread. And they do it secretly because it looks a) better if the people think the own countries troops can handle the situation and they can show their independence. But in the course of the game, OF COURSE every country tries to have a insurance if PHALANX can't handle the job. While the best are working for PHALANX they are not better than every other guys together.

I expect the countries to deploy their own anti alien forces, develop special tools and weaponary and so on. If you do your job good, these national organizations will cooperate, the countries will support you not only with money, but with their specialized gear, as well as surveillance. If you are just ok, you may operate in parallel to the nations affords, and if you do bad... well then in concurrence. If you LOOSE a country (that then is allied with the aliens), well be prepared that your stations are not only attacked by the aliens but also by the nations troops (which surly overrun it if you are still a secret organization), and may even lead to open war between the countries.

As long as the aliens are only explorers or experimenters, PHALANX may be the only player - and founding cutting just comes from being doubtful that the PHALANX can do the job (and it is better to throw the money in the national project) At the time, the aliens prepare for war, the foundings will stay up on PHALANX, but also the national organizations will be founded well, and then a dropping of funding clearly is caused by alien operation. At the time the first military ufos arrive, I'd expect national figther groups in the sky (where maybe 10 could shoot down an ufo at 50%, but the nations will have the numbers) and special ops troops on the ground on the maps to collect the ufo.

Countries who decide you are not welcome (without alien influence) may force you to close down or hand over your bases (for a compensation) and don't allow ground missions (or even shouting down ufos).

At the time, the aliens start to install bases on earth, (and the only will in secret remote areas or in allied countries) there might be aggressive civilians and opposing military on the field WITH ALIEN TECH ENHANCED WEAPONS designed for human servants (which might give total new strings of optimization techs etc...). Your bases then might have to be defended by well armed conventional army, against conventional military forces, and your base defense must bring ufos down before the cand bombard those troops, which still will not protect you from defending your base against opposing military special ops and alien special ops.

First part of the game (secret special ops): Funds are increased with success, and decreased with fails.
Second part of the game (alien warfare): Funds are increased by success and cooperation with the country (exchanging tech, selling ufos, buying special gear), and decreased on fails and alien influence.
Third part of the game (total warfare): Funds depend on how much the war against aliened nations costs, and if PHALANX do its part on fighting the alien supporters (while still bring down alien ops in the free countries), so that PHALANX partly operate as special ops team for the free countries, destroying allien bases before enemy military can reach the base up to execute brain washed politicans. At this part, PHALANX surely have developed its own secret service to have such missions also in "friendly" countries, before they turn sides.

If you are successful in being a secret organization, in the first place, the aliens would think SOME kind of problem happened on the planet, but bringing in stronger gear might only bring greater loss (perhaps the aliens assume, that a big part of the population is capable of bringing them down, though the experiments don't show how that is possible, making them careful because of the hidden enemy or unknown conditions). If you are not careful, the aliens will be early aware that there is only a small troop, that can just be overrun with stronger weapons. On the other hand, if you are not successful in bringing down the aliens, they might belief that there is no reason for stronger gear. If you do you things "loud" like put no efforts get you out of public awareness, then the aliens will gear up fast.

In the second part, your job is to carefully operate with your friends to help them stay happy, for example give outdated tech to them, sell ufos, and so on, to arm your friends up, but not to the scale that they become a thread, when turning sides.

Ind the third part, the aliens have allies. Disturbing the enemy alliance by bringing down support ships and raid alien bases on enemy ground, as well as annihilate brainwashed key politicians or military commanders, you force the enemy to stabilize their bridgehead, so that this takes pressure from you and your allies, so that the country can be freed from alien influence by your operations, or by conventional military operation of your allies, where the first option of course lead to more funds.

I really like to see that every country has its own search tree (some quite different, some quite similar) and the aliens their own for your human servants, and if you are to slow with yours, they will outsmart yours, but they start later AND you are in the position to combine every gear, tactics, information, and so on, which will give you an advantage.

Something like sending your soldiers to a special ops anti alien training of allies for a month. Or use special armor science Russia gave to you, because PHALANX are so good friends :-)

Offline Eegxeta

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Your sure you only thought about this a little?

Offline TheOnlySkyfire

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Your sure you only thought about this a little?

Mostly done while writing it. ;-) So there were only time to think a little. It thus might be inconsistent, redundant, not well structured, and inconsistent. If it seems to be very well thoughted or even wise, the reason might be that English is not my native language, and a little bit like yoda so I sound.

So... let me quick read again what i've wrote, to find out what I thought. Then I will tell you if I am sure. :-)

Offline Eegxeta

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Yeah I was wondering about that because there was many words that it looked like you used spell check and it gave you the wrong word.

I like using for spell check because it won't just give you words that are spelt similarly to what you wrote it gives words that sound like it, too. Plus you have the definition of the word so you can find out if that is the right one.

Offline TheOnlySkyfire

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Ok, I read my stuff, and I think, I will leave it as it is. As I post here only to make myself believe, that my genius is admired by someone, I should not make it to easy for them...

No, it makes no sense, but perfectly fits in the pattern of my former posts. :-)

Offline Eegxeta

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I have a tendency to write a post like I do a essay rough draft, fine draft, "final" draft and half the time I go back and edit it further after I post it.