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Game Mechanics and Improvements Discusion
--- Quote ---The TU's required for reaction fire are exactly those needed for shooting, nothing more. So a shotgun requires 8 TUs, an assault rifle requires 9 8 TUs for the snapshot, a sniper rifle requires 15. If you search on the forum you'll find long discussions on this topic.
--- End quote ---
This statement is incorrect. It takes 8, 12 or 15 to fire the weapon in direct fire. RF TU's require an additional 8 points. Your unit will not fire RF without this check box being checked, even if you reserved those 8, 12 or 15 points from your previous movement using the (Shot Reservation window) .
On RF TU's; If you look at the TU's bar that shows the units total time units. When you hit reserve it puts a green line using 8 TU's. (the status window also says this (reserved 8 units) When you select snap shot in the shot reservation window, the game adds another 8 TU's to the bar, for a total of 16(again confirmed in the status window at the bottom,not 8 TU's). This plainly tells me, that in order to do a RF, that these 8 TU's are specifically for that action. 8 is too many points IMHO, 4 total would be fine.
I know I am not the only one confused by this system, judging by other threads. Because there are 2 separate functions for setting up your RF (RF Check box and SHOT reservation window(as they are labeled that), is where it is making things cumbersome and confusing, my point is even Heisenburg doesn't seem to understand how it works (no offense Heisenburg) and he was trying to explain it to me, a newb to this game.
My main point here is this, it is because the Shot Reservation Window is also used for selecting direct fire at the enemy! This is why it is all confusing for a player. Maybe If you do reservation TU's with an icon instead, like Xcom did or even a separate window, it would be way less confusing.
In my version of the Shot Reservation Window. I would have the check mark box for kneeling (in the window), and all the TU's for Shooting would have all the TU's correctly added up. I also would only have max of 2 types of reservation shots. Snap, and Burst. I strongly feel special aiming modes should only be used in DIRECT fire selection (attack). So my version could just about work with just an icon that changes modes.
If we do the math, a snap shot would have 4 (kneeling) + 8 (RF Tu's) + 8 (snap shot) = 20 points. So for starting characters leaving (on average) 10 points for movement (that includes facing changes). Leaving only 1/3 of the normal 30 points to get across a map with. To me this is too expensive, it should be around 50%, so I can still get around the battlefield. Now I haven't played on enough maps to know if types of terrain effect movement. I am assuming 2 points per square and 1 point for any facing changes. The Aliens sure can move a hell of a lot more (about 2x that)! and Still have a reserve shot.
Heck maybe if you just take out the reaction fire selection all together and just have the computer use your remaining TU's that you can save from the prior turn, people won't be confused at all. In real life it takes the same action whether on offense or defense to fire a weapon, some weapons and certain action take longer, but they always take the same amount of time. In other words having 8 addition TU's for reaction fire if unbalanced. It should be like 2 or 4 per target reaction fired against.
The inherent problem with using straight points vs. percentages is that the game can be unbalanced in the beginning and the late game. There obviously is not an easy answer to solve this issue, but I am trying to explain myself more clearly than before. I want this to be a discussion not a argument of who is right or wrong, but looking for solution to make the game play smooth, with minimal confusion for the average player.
Here is something very annoying. To deactivate RF you Left click, because it is a toggle and to deactivate Reserved Fire mode you Right click. just annoying.
Thank you all for responding to the post!
Sorry, this is all I have time to respond to tonight.
Heisenbug explained the RF mechanic quite well. There is some additional info around this post. I recommend reading through the 2.5 sucks completely tread, as it contains a lot of usefull information. Some things changed in time, though.
Beside that, making several threads to discuss single questions would be better than tl,dr.
As ShipIt said, Heisenbug's explanation was correct and your understanding of RF is wrong. Where you are getting confused is the shot reservation button. This has nothing to do with RF, but is merely for reserving TUs during your active turn.
There is so much information in the forums about reaction fire and almost all of it is inaccurate. The single, authoritative source on how RF works is now in the game. Go to your ufopaedia and read the Reaction Fire entry under Basic Concepts (Ground Combat).
Actually, I have read the UFOPEDIA, and it say that "reaction fire must be enabled in the soldiers control panel" A vague explanation at best. So if all the checkbox does is stop the unit from wasting its movement, why does it add 8 points to the TU's reserved???
Well you can dismiss what I see as a new player to this game, and treat me like a troll while you are at it. You can also dismiss that I have valid points and experienced feedback. That's upto you, but it still doesn't change a thing.
It needs revamped, and clarified in how operates, and is explained. As a game player if it works so great, I should NOT have to have it explained on a forum of how it works. It should clear from the help in the game.
Yes, I did get confused about direct fire selection.
Considering I have quite a bit of experience in modding AI, and other types of mods for games. I am not a newb at turn based gaming or gaming in general. I will go look at you forums more in depth and go post in those threads. I will also go test some RF without that check box and see if they fire.
EDIT : Nope, RF does NOT work without spending 8 more points, by having the check box enabled.
Well that deteriorated quickly...
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