Technical support > Linux
Debian: feedback and tests welcome
--- Quote from: apo on September 28, 2014, 02:35:00 pm ---Hi,
I have converted the LICENSES file into a machine-readable copyright file that is used across the Debian distribution. One of its benefits is that you can easily spot missing copyright information. The following files are not accounted for in LICENSES hence I assume they are covered by your general GPL-2+ license. If this is not true, please let me know. You can find the "" script that I used to convert the LICENSES file here:
--- End quote ---
Your assumption is good, except in the case of all those base/textures/* files mentioned in your post, in fact each of those has its own entry in LICENSES, maybe there was an error during the conversion?
I see the difference now:
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
Seems I missed that ShareAlike is written in one word and the other time it's split into two words.
Ah, of course (and I should have looked at your script before) Mattn already unified the spelling in master*, of course, the 'MIT License' vs 'MIT/X11 license (GPL compatible)' issue remains
*commit: a01d047 (it goes cleanly into 2.5, if that will help)
I fixed the "MIT License" vs "MIT/X11 license (GPL compatible)" in my script but the unified license names will surely be useful for the next release.
Ok, so MCR agreed to re-license his files (he mistook the GFDL for the GPL at the time) (see commits: master: 67f0620, 2.5: f2373b8)
I also corrected the licenses for Sindwiller's files, (unlike the previous ones those weren't changed so i just outright crrected the license) (master: cd5cb33, 2.5: 9061377)
ShipIt replaced all instances of carpet016.png with carpet017.png in our maps and removed the offending file (master: 21ee171, 2.5:f516da3)
So, any other issues remaining?
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