General > User modifications
Port of UFO:AI to the OpenPandora
Hi all,
This little message to inform that I have ported UFO:AI to the OpenPandora. The OpenPandora is an Handheld computer, running ARM linux and with OpenGLES graphics.
I converted renderer to GLES (discarding all shader), and enlarge some small fonts, the OpenPandora aving only a 800x480 screen resolution.
With a swapfile configured, it's run very well (with just some fonts that I have to enlarge more).
The sources (I used stabled 2.4 as my base) are here:
And you can find informations on the OpenPandora board here:
We would be interested in merging stuff into our main tree so that future version would be compatible, too (with hopefully less work)
Could you give us patches or a pull request?
I'll try to do a diff tomorrow and post it here :)
great - thanks a lot.
So, here is the diff, sorry for the delay.
The new codes is garded between #ifdef, but the Makefiles modification are more of the "hardcoded" type.
All #ifdef HAVE_GLES contain GLES specific code, and with the use of eglport from Pickle, it should even compile with little to no modification on other GLES Linux, like RaspeberryPI or ODROID...
The #ifdef PANDORA are specific pandora modification, mainly keymapping and screen resolution (forcing resolution 800x480 fullscreen, with bigger fonts to make the game readable on the 5" screen).
Hope you can do something with this :)
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