Technical support > Linux
Debian: uforadiant package
I don't think that appending something to PKGDATADIR would help, because it's the engine path where this file is searched, not the uforadiant path. It is possible that the pk3 (vfs) loading of uforadiant is broken. We had reports about this already earlier. I will check that asap.
oh.. you could test this by extracting 0ufos.pk3
edit for me the pk3 stuff is working, strange - can you please attach the uforadiant logfile (~/.ufoai/radiant)
I'm attaching radiant.log.
**-Message: vfs directory not found: '/usr/share/games/base/'
it looks like you are using a wrong PKGDATADIR - there is a "ufoai" missing, no?
Sorry, my bad. Indeed the variable wasn't set correctly.
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