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middle eastern issues

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Hay. iv been playing ufo:ai for a couple of weeks now and iv noticed a possible problem with the middle eastern alliance. the aliens ALWAYS target the same area time and time again, and its not days later, most of the time my ship is on the way back and another terror mission pops up in exactly the same place, its like my game is stuck in a constant loop, iv even gone in to the file and swapped the map around just for a bit of variation. can any one please tell me how to stop this from happening, I'm sure its preventing me from continuing the game as I'm not able to research anything anymore.

On the other hand if I'm just being a 'tard and missing a key point in the game, please educate me lol

What's the target area they keep hitting? And what type of mission is it that you keep getting? If the aliens have a base in that area, they can be supplying it. You can usually identify bases by moving an interceptor over the area for a while.

its always a harvester, guarantied (well, not now iv changed the map) and its always an African village map. ill try the interceptor tip, thank you, but im still quite early on in the game.

Your savegame could serve with some extra info. Could you upload it?


ill have a look but i havn't yet fount the file with the saves in


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