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Author Topic: Multiplayer Changes/Tweeks Co-op  (Read 2745 times)

Offline Quickhand

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Multiplayer Changes/Tweeks Co-op
« on: June 17, 2013, 09:07:28 am »
Recently me and a friend played multiplayer. What we would like to see most is that you start off with basic technology, normal assalt rifle, sniper rifle, anything that you start out with in singleplayer campain. After a few mission let me or you unlock new weapons. The more missions you complete the more weapons/armor/ect is unlocked. If its all unlocked at the start of the game you dont get a feeling of accomplishment after completeing missions. Give us an experiance bar or just count the completed co-op missions for unlocks. We played a few game. Some game crash's. But what realy killed the game for us is not feeling like we did anything. Also my friends troops was way more experianced then mine was and he never even played the game at all untill i gave it to him.
So for multiplayer co-op let me feel like im getting father into the game by unlocking new weapons/armor/ or even maps. After all, if your not working toward anything why play a game?

Single player i havent played it long at all. But long enoff that I need to watch what ufo's I try to shoot down or I'll loss my intersepter (for the 3rd time)
I like the game, just hard to get others involved in co-op when eveything is unlocked and nothing to work forward to.

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Re: Multiplayer Changes/Tweeks Co-op
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2013, 12:06:32 pm »
The dev team is almost entirely focused on the single player aspects of the game. I hope in the future we'll have some more people interested in working on and improving the overall multiplayer experience (coop and adversarial), but with our limited resources I think we're unlikely to see a lot of progress soon (unless you happen to be a c++ coder with an interest in game design?).

You might be interested in this proposal about a skirmish-oriented campaign mode designed for coop. You may also be interested in the Multiplayer category on the general proposals page, though these are mostly geared towards adversarial multiplayer.