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Author Topic: equipping your team  (Read 2587 times)

Offline Hell-Fire

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equipping your team
« on: May 27, 2013, 11:49:00 pm »

Sorry if this might be a repeat, I've tried searching, but not sure how to word the search parameters.  Anyways, while equipping your units for their mission, it would be nice to only show weapons and armor that you have on site, instead of seeing both items you have and not have.  There are weapons I don't bother to purchase or use and I always see them in the equipment screen even though they are darkened out.

Also for some items like sidearms and grenades and medkits, would be nice when you right click on them, that they go to other areas besides the hands.  For example, the medkit automatically goes in the back pack, the grenades go on the belt and sidearms goes in the holster.

Again, sorry if this is a repeat, but I honestly did search the forums.

Offline Conan

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Re: equipping your team
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2013, 06:26:26 pm »
I agree with the first part of your post, as it is annoying to see things which you do not have.