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Author Topic: Video settings are unclear  (Read 3387 times)

Offline Charlie

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Video settings are unclear
« on: October 31, 2012, 02:11:20 pm »
This is not really feature request, but neither is it a bug. I guess it belongs here more than there.

The game's video settings are unclear, so in the end I'm not sure which options I want to enable for what effect, and which I'd rather keep turned off to not drop FPS too much. To correct this, the tooltips would need to be improved, and one or two labels too. All tooltips should say how much of an impact this setting will have on the FPS, and whether it affects geoscape, battlescape or both. Considering that a number of these settings require a game restart, it would be a major time saver if the items were improved on as I list below.

Resolution Cap: the tooltip doesn't really explain what implication this has or how to figure out a correct setting. I imagine it's correlated to GPU RAM.

Compression: same as above, what visual and FPS effect will this have? At what level of GPU RAM does this become irrelevant?

LoD: very informative tooltip, no issues here.

Anisotropy Level: what does 0 mean? Off, or some kind of automatic? It's not obvious to me that 0=off because 0 has a special meaning in Multisample Buffers/Swap Interval.

Vertex Buffers: the tooltip is black magic here. How high is the FPS impact and what will look nicer with it?

Multisample Buffers / Swap Interval: This is commonly called Antialiasing, and that is the name most games and GPU setting panels use. Multisampling is a technique of antialiasing, but the user doesn't care what technique is used under the hood - the end result is that the user wants (or doesn't want) antialiasing, and unless he knows what multisampling is, he won't find it. Please rename this to Antialiasing. The tooltip does mention that "multisample buffers provide a mechanism to antialias all GL primitives" but that's greek to non-coders (and non-greeks).

Post-Processing Shader Effects: more effects could be listed than just "glowing textures".

Lightmap Block Size: "Higher block size means more detailed lightmaps" ok, but what's a lightmap? I'm sure this could be expressed in layman terms.

Realtime Lighting / Max Dynamic Lights: "Maximum number of dynamic hardware accelerated lights allowed" what effect do they have, and what exactly are we talking about? Lights in a room, light given off by plasma shots, other? How do I figure out whats optimal for me?

Texture Normalmapping: like in Multisample Buffers, normalmapping is a technique of bump mapping, so you should use the more common term "bump mapping" and optionally have "normalmapping" mentioned in the tooltip.

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Re: Video settings are unclear
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2013, 10:02:47 pm »
The game's video settings are unclear, so in the end I'm not sure which options I want to enable for what effect, and which I'd rather keep turned off to not drop FPS too much.

On this, I would agree; perhaps, settings should be made much simpler and more relating to the user's hardware/driver combo.

One by one:

Resolution Cap: the tooltip doesn't really explain what implication this has or how to figure out a correct setting. I imagine it's correlated to GPU RAM.

If you mean the texture resolution, tt is. Also, using big textures slows down the rendering -- though, for UFO:AI that would require 10 year old  card to became significant.

Compression: same as above, what visual and FPS effect will this have? At what level of GPU RAM does this become irrelevant?

Same as above :) But for some thing (like GUI images) it really breaks the picture :(

Anisotropy Level: what does 0 mean? Off, or some kind of automatic? It's not obvious to me that 0=off because 0 has a special meaning in Multisample Buffers/Swap Interval.

Means "off".

Vertex Buffers: the tooltip is black magic here. How high is the FPS impact and what will look nicer with it?

Atavism from the age when VBs functioned wrong sometimes. My opinion: remove that setting.

Multisample Buffers / Swap Interval: ... Please rename this to Antialiasing.

Good point.

Post-Processing Shader Effects: more effects could be listed than just "glowing textures".

That is only one PP effect we have so far.

Lightmap Block Size: "Higher block size means more detailed lightmaps" ok, but what's a lightmap? I'm sure this could be expressed in layman terms.

"More accurate shadows", perhaps?

Realtime Lighting / Max Dynamic Lights: "Maximum number of dynamic hardware accelerated lights allowed" what effect do they have, and what exactly are we talking about? Lights in a room, light given off by plasma shots, other? How do I figure out whats optimal for me?

Good question -- got no quick answer, will think about it.

Texture Normalmapping: like in Multisample Buffers, normalmapping is a technique of bump mapping, so you should use the more common term "bump mapping" and optionally have "normalmapping" mentioned in the tooltip.

Cannot make a better wording ...

PS: I completely agree that wording at that menu page is quite bad at some places and should be made much more understandable.

Offline Charlie

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Re: Video settings are unclear
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2013, 10:43:40 pm »
Glad I'm not alone here :]
I mentioned these things not because I need them answered in the forum, but because I hope to focus attention on them to have them improved in the game so everyone benefits.