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Author Topic: A few complaints  (Read 2563 times)

Offline bustead

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A few complaints
« on: April 21, 2013, 11:18:09 am »
I have been playing this game for a long time and I like the game alot. However I'm quite unsatisfied about a few things.
A. story
  OK so I know the storyline isn't completed yet but really I see unrealistic plots at the very start. How can Aliens kill 20000+ people in their first wave of attack? Think about it. Here's an example. In WW2 the Imperial Japanese Army killed 300000 people (mostly civilians. Some are POWs and none of them is armed) within 6 weeks during the Nanking Massacre. On average a Jap soldier kill 12.5 civilians. So theoraticaly the aliens will only be able to kill 12.5x6(6 UFOs. We can assume that they are fighters/scouts as the game description saids that they are small in size)x3 (3 aliens per UFO)=225 civilians. Now of course you may say aliens got much better weapons but in fact they don't really have any rapid firing weapons like machineguns. Instead they focus on damage per shot. And even if they can somehow kill 20000 civilians without running out of ammo or being exhausted, they cannot kill 3 battalions of elite troops as they are really outnumbered. Not to mention that they will have to do it with no aliens got killed or captured.
  Secondly, how can a group of 8 save the world if 3 battalions of elite troops are killed before they can do any damage? You seriously think that a firebird with a speed of 770km/h can head to the otherside of the planet and drop soldiers there before the aliens can escape? What are the local military doing anyway? US, China, Russia and most NATO countries has their own rapid response units their own (eg the SEALs or the chinese airborn units) which can reach anywhere in their country within a few hours. I'm sure that when PHALANX got to a crashed UFO site, the site has already been cleaned up. Worst part is the military doesn't even show up in the game. Why can't there be at very least monthly/weekly reports about what they are doing?
  And what the hell is up with the aliens? If they have planned the attack before really coming to earth, why wouldn't they do a precision strilke against the government officials? Or can't they do it in a shock and awe style? At least they can use better weapons at the very start.
   For me I'm sure that with nowadays (2013) equipments an army defeating the aliens is not a problem. (of course that doesn't count stopping the XVI infection) So I think in real live
PHALANX will only be a research and intel organization. Even if they are armed, their tasks will only be defending the countries which are unable to defend themselves. They are only supported by the UN with little funding as no countries will be funding PHALANX if they are not as effective as their own army. Those requested PHALANX support would be too poor to pay a cent.
B. gameplay
  Why isn't there any kind of armored units like APCs or tanks? What about choppers? Where are the motors? Don't tell me there no tanks in the entire planet. Oh and where is the navy? I suppose they can help retrieving UFOs that are lost to sea and provide Radar coverage near coastal areas. Oh at last why can't I use TR-20 rocket pods as air support units? I know that will be hard for the developers to add navy into the game but it will be a great idea if it can be done.
  Still overall this is a good game. Keep going!

Offline Bonzo

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Re: A few complaints
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2013, 05:13:40 pm »
Yeah the pre story isn't perfectly polished yet - although that's cool, rather have great gameplay and a dodgy story than the opposite :)

This might have been discussed to death, but it's pretty fascinating still;

The first attacks in Mumbai and Bonn showed an entirely different military paradigm - I would assume the aliens were equipped with endgame armour and weapons as well as top notch psychic powers. It wouldn't be unreasonable that they're using powerful weapons of mass destruction either. Add the fact that the ability to jam and decrypt all of our communications and we're left with not an army but groups of disconnected soldiers who don't know where anything is, don't understand the enemy and probably haven't fought in any prolonged conflict given Earth's peaceful state.

Why the aliens lose all their gear, cohesion and strategy by the time the game starts is probably some cool mystery to be worked out later. It also seems like they've never had particularly good intel about humanity's organisation. They just turned up, saw some large cities and thought "That looks like fun.". Possibly got some XVI going too, and left that to finish the job. The actual government and military weren't really threats to that goal anyway. The subsequent raids are probably just to distract humanity from the other activity.

PHALANX's personnel are the absolute elite, have communications that the aliens can't mess with and know enough about them to identify and exploit their sudden weaknesses.

I know that doesn't address everything, but those are my suggestions for now :)

Do bear in mind I've only played 2.4 through to the end (Looking forward to having my mind blown by 2.5 full release!).