Technical support > Feature Requests

Request: HP displayed when equiping soldiers


While equipping a soldier, stats and skills are visible, but not HP.
I have to go back to the aircraft menu to see it. It's annoying to find out my flamer guy has 86 hitpoints only after I've set up the squad.

I believe some one else talking about displaying TU's, as well?

TU are displayed but about HP you are right.

IMO the reason we want to see health points in equipping screen is that we don't want to send wounded soldiers to a mission, so the hp value in itself is of little interest, either it would need to show xx/xx hitpoints or we could have some symbol indicating that this soldier is not in full health, I think either would be good.

oh, there's this already


--- Quote from: kurja on May 01, 2013, 07:17:28 pm ---oh, there's this already

--- End quote ---

Or rather  here: (SF tracker is closed)



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