Technical support > Bugs in stable version (2.5)

Problems loading skirmish


I've just launched the 11-02-2013 version. For the first time there was no crash at the first loading, but I fall on a black screen when launched a skirmish. I tried twice, first with default set up, and then with my usual graphics set up. The strange detail is that I see during a microsecond the green earth of the menu before the map start when I push the start button.

Ok, I'll try a campain so..

edit : so sad, where do I report bugs for dev version ? :(

Oh, yes, I've been able to buy and equip a sniper with a standard armour (sorry for the misunderstanding about this previously). However I meet some complicated bug with maps. After using retry (after an abnormal process to get at menu screen), I've got a very messed mansion for instance.

This is where you post bugs with the dev version (forum: Bugs in develpoment version). I've split it off the other thread and put it here.

The map issue you see with mansion is known.


--- Quote from: H-Hour on February 14, 2013, 01:27:13 pm ---This is where you post bugs with the dev version (forum: Bugs in develpoment version). I've split it off the other thread and put it here.

The map issue you see with mansion is known.

--- End quote ---
Thanks, I'm so used with the 2.4 bug section that I missed this one. I've some detail to add about the bug during the campain. I'll do it here.

Here is exactly what I've done :

* I've launched a campain, pushed a base on the ground, and armoured a sniper ;)
* Then came a mission, I've launched a dropship on it
* I've encountered a long delay when I pressed <Enter> once arrived over the mission square (like stuck on the "automission..etc" screen)
* Finally, the map has loaded
* Came the <start> button moment, I've pressed it and here been pushed on the menu screen
* No way to return in the map from there, so pushed <retry>
* After a while the map reloaded, and this time <start> button allowed me to enter Mansion (very messed version of it)
This is not exactly the same bug as the skirmish one, where the map hasn't displayed at all (black screen), nor the menu (but a microsecond). However it's related I think.

Hope, it can be useful.


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