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Add soldier voices
--- Quote from: krilain on February 01, 2013, 07:32:20 pm ---Soldiers voices increase the controle over your troop.
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Sorry but just dont see how. Your troops saying affirmative and/or other similar words would increase control over them?
--- Quote from: Noordung on February 01, 2013, 10:34:46 pm ---Sorry but just dont see how. Your troops saying affirmative and/or other similar words would increase control over them?
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Thanks to ask me this :)
Indeed, it comes from my player experience at starcraft and other RTS (real time strategy games). Of course in those games you have to be so fast that hearing your troops responding or not, is crucial because you wont take the time to look at each soldier to know if he is up or down.
The idea here is not to save time, it 's turn based, but anyway to give the player some comfort by saving some checks. Just one example. Imagine you are pressing at key numbers to select your guys. Maybe if you do that fast and often you would prefere not to watch your keyboard to be sure you hadn't missed the key. A voice can help here, and in many other aspect that we could call "gaming comfort".
--- Quote from: kurja on February 01, 2013, 08:00:29 pm ---look what it says under Crystan's avatar ;)
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Hmmm... ;D
Its just me that i dont really care about sounds in games except for sounds that are important. Like sounds in stealth games or voices witch give you some information. But soliders saying affirmative just isnt priority for me. But thats just me. If people like talking troops thats fine with me.
--- Quote from: krilain on February 01, 2013, 10:41:42 pm ---Thanks to ask me this :)
Indeed, it comes from my player experience at starcraft and other RTS (real time strategy games). Of course in those games you have to be so fast that hearing your troops responding or not, is crucial because you wont take the time to look at each soldier to know if he is up or down.
The idea here is not to save time, it 's turn based, but anyway to give the player some comfort by saving some checks. Just one example. Imagine you are pressing at key numbers to select your guys. Maybe if you do that fast and often you would prefere not to watch your keyboard to be sure you hadn't missed the key. A voice can help here, and in many other aspect that we could call "gaming comfort".
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So you mean each of your soliders would have unique voice and you would recognize them by voices? Thats a lot of different voices...
--- Quote from: Noordung on February 01, 2013, 10:46:35 pm ---So you mean each of your soliders would have unique voice and you would recognize them by voices? Thats a lot of different voices...
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Not really all. But maybe some differences can help enough. Male/Female distinction could thus be exploited.
But you 've said an interesting thing that points here at what could be a real additional value to this great game. We maybe could give many voices but also many languages to our soldiers. You should have noticed that their names are already refering to different countries, like Garcia for Spain or south America etc... That would be funny to have this difference extended to the voices. But just for saying "Yes sir", not to make long sentences.
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