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Is there any kind of command parameter one could add after ufo.exe that would load an existing mod? (within the main/mods/ directory)

It feels kinda silly, loading the base (main) first then having to activate the mod, load again.. when I could just put the mod changes into the base dir, and only load once. (I have an older/mucho slow com and I swear this double loading is killing me)

I really like the separation of the mods folder, its much cleaner, just looking for a way to pre-load it. (and save some time   :D)

+set fs_gamedir [mod directory]

ufo.exe +fs_mod modname


--- Quote from: H-Hour on January 22, 2013, 10:37:55 pm ---+set fs_gamedir [mod directory]

--- End quote ---

That is for full-mod (complete content replacement), no?


--- Quote from: Sandro on January 22, 2013, 10:43:51 pm ---That is for full-mod (complete content replacement), no?

--- End quote ---

I think it loads /base/ and then the mod folder. Not sure if it still works the same since mattn implemented the mods ui.


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