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Left click should work on mouse button release, not mouse down

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When doing a left click, the moment when the mouse button released is the one that should count. At the moment, this is true for the time UI actions are executed, but not for the click location. If you click somewhere, drag the mouse over another UI element and release it, it will execute the first element. I feel it should execute the second element instead so it becomes possible to correct yourself if you misclick, or at the very least cancel the action.

I was also going to suggest left-click then right-click without releasing to cancel actions, but it seems this is already implemented (though I have not checked everywhere).

I've posted this to the feature request tracker, but if others feel differently about this issue, feel free to chime in.

That case is known as "grazing click" and under several other names. As far as I know, UI design gurus recommend to keep a threshold for a dragging distance, assigning short-drag clicks to the beginning point and ingnoring long drags completely (unless UI got an object drag feature).

That doesn't seem sensible to me for a strategy/tactics game like UFO:AI. It would make sense in an action game where fast reaction is more important than the exact click location and having a click fizzle because you moved the mouse ever so slightly could be bad for the player.

Here, however, speed doesn't really matter. Instead I'd rather avoid having to click out of the wrong sub-menu, like wanting to go to Research and missing ever so slightly and getting Production instead. I tend to subconsciously correct tiny misclicks like that by sliding the mouse after pressing the mouse button and before releasing it, and in my experience most UIs will let me correct my aim that way, or at least fail to register the click (the latter is far less noticable - the amount of mental effort required to get out of an accidentally accessed sub-menu is pretty big, compared to just repeating the same click). I think it would be nice to have here, too.


--- Quote from: Quizer on January 22, 2013, 02:10:55 pm ---When doing a left click, the moment when the mouse button released is the one that should count. At the moment, this is true for the time UI actions are executed, but not for the click location.

--- End quote ---

Have you checked Options / Gameplay -> Confirm Actions?  It'll treat movement the same as firing (it'll even show the path you'll take).  Not sure if it fixes the issue,  (more of a work-a-round)  and it'll mean double clicking.. but it should save you from moving on miss-clicks.

I'm not talking about misclicks in the battlescape. I use Confirm Actions as a matter of course, so I can see the pathing before committing to a move. I'd probably be walking into aliens' reaction fire all the time if I didn't do that...

No, I'm talking primarily about menus and stuff, like clicking on Research, but missing slightly and getting Production. Moving the cursor after clicking down doesn't have any effect here.


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