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The Strong Taman (Minor spoilers)

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I've understood something else. Maybe I'm wrong, but the problem is also that it is unexpected that the tamans shows themselves able to use and carry the heavy weapons. Taman looks more psi oriented (big head), and as they come in the early battles, we tend to associate them to the easy battles.
But as a provisory tweak, why not.

Anarch Cassius:

--- Quote ---And seems the fact you checked the implementation led you to the wrong conclusion. Noone said that the race was manipulated to create "strong tamans", the new teamdef was only a currently available solution to have species with differentiated skills, technical stuff only.
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So the were made to test the differentiated skills rather than the differentiated skills being added to make them possible?

--- Quote ---a) This is a temporary solution (as geever said).
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All I really wanted to check.

--- Quote ---a)b) The only way you would ever know they have adjusted strength stats is by looking at the code.
--- End quote ---
Not true. Multiplayer stats and/or just doing the math on end game items reveals it. The fact they carry the same weapons as Ortnok and that those weapons are very heavy in human hands is what caused me to look closely at the stats, not the other way around.

--- Quote ---c) This is not a sim. It's a tactical-strategy game. Just because the story prefers a plausible future over jedi knights does not mean it is a sim.
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Splitting hairs, most people wouldn't think of Warcraft 3 as a sim but the point is they'll still notice if an AI doesn't need lumber.


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