Technical support > Mac

compiling ufoai 2.5-dev on os x 10.8 mountain lion

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Would it be useful to just use the SDL framework that a user can install?

nope, unfortunately not (or at least I wasn't successful). the libsdl_mixer and libsdl_ttf depend on the libsdl library and thus libsdl is going to be installed automatically by macports... unfortunately the libsdl version 1.2.15_02, that causes the problem.

installation of the older libsdl however worked. I installed the 1.2.15_0 and could compile a running ufoai version on mountain lion.

...still I have the same problem that the mission "City high" is unplayable. there seems to be some problem with the map "c2_main.bsp" in maps/city2...

installation of the older version is actually pretty simple: just unzip the attached file, change into the libsdl directory and call "sudo port install". that will install the version 1.2.15_0 instead of the (presumably already installed 1.2.15_2).

just an update:
libsdl package has been fixed in macports, thus no need to tweak anymore. compilation works as described.

So the game plays now?

yes. ufoai can be compiled on mountain lion as described on the "Download" page. building of uforadiant has however to be disabled; I didn't manage to compile or configure that.
the compiled version runs smoothly (so far) on mountain lion (64bit).


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