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Author Topic: self-medication with medikits  (Read 4956 times)

Offline kurja

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self-medication with medikits
« on: January 09, 2013, 10:24:29 am »
Make it possible for soldiers to use medikits on themselves; if they can walk and operate alien weapons they should be able to try stopping their own bleeding. With reduced efficiency perhaps?

Offline Anarch Cassius

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Re: self-medication with medikits
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2013, 10:58:16 pm »
With the new limits on first aid maybe. Working on yourself is a lot less fun since you can't zone out when somthing painful occurs and you have to stay focused while being the one injured. Plus your reach to some areas is not as good.

Bottom line it shouldn't be easy. I like how the medic rules encourage teamwork in the soldiers.

Offline Sandro

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Re: self-medication with medikits
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2013, 12:53:18 pm »
It can cause realism issues. For example, if your soldier was shot in the back -- you would presume him to be a Yoga master to be able to patch that?

Offline krilain

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Re: self-medication with medikits
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2013, 03:08:17 pm »
As elite soldiers I dont see nothing advocating the detriment of Phallanx soldiers. ( Nice sentence. Thanks to google translation  :) )

Ok, if you allow me a remark. There are many ways to medic yourself. First is the complete medication which involves a third party in general. But you can also use morphin, or improved chemical stuff easily imaginable in a 2084 universe.

I am for the use of a morphin like in selfmedication, but it could be also interesting to introduce a secondary effect like to lower maximum HP of the self-healed soldier, this applying during a week or two. Or something like that.

Offline geever

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Re: self-medication with medikits
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2013, 03:55:32 pm »
I don't think morphine could stop the bleeding of any wound... And healing on battlescape is only (mostly) for treating wounds.

I think no further discussion will change our mind on this.


Offline kurja

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Re: self-medication with medikits
« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2013, 03:59:31 pm »
It can cause realism issues. For example, if your soldier was shot in the back -- you would presume him to be a Yoga master to be able to patch that?

Full explanation here - along with a statement that medkits are designed to be used on one's self  ;)

There would be more than morphine and band aids in a sci-fi medical kit, no?

Assuming it was doable to have medkits less effective when used on self, I don't see any game balance or realism issues with this. Self-medication should be a last resort, when a soldier has 6hp and 7 bleeding wounds and nothing else could prevent death, it should not replace current use model of medkits.

I'm rooting for this idea because it does a disservice to playing experience when a soldier carrying a medkit dies of wounds during the same round he was injured or the very next round; current wound system is great with that exception. There should be time to try and save the wounded soldier, isn't that the whole point of it? The guy still runs as fast as ever, operates complicated alien equipment like nothing but can't try and to compress his own wounds to reduce bleeding, c'mon.

Offline krilain

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Re: self-medication with medikits
« Reply #6 on: January 11, 2013, 08:13:54 pm »
I don't think morphine could stop the bleeding of any wound... And healing on battlescape is only (mostly) for treating wounds.
I've to say first that I don't have too much to say about how medikits work ingame for the moment. It is not about changing anything to the standard stuff. It is just a remark I add that says that in general even if not healed properly a soldier can get a second life - for a short time at least - if he uses some military drugs. I said morphin just because this one is very well known, but an other cocktail could do the job.
Full explanation here - along with a statement that medkits are designed to be used on one's self  ;)

There would be more than morphine and band aids in a sci-fi medical kit, no?
I love the novel, but unfortunately I can't enjoy it fully due to the need of translation.
Assuming it was doable to have medkits less effective when used on self, I don't see any game balance or realism issues with this. Self-medication should be a last resort, when a soldier has 6hp and 7 bleeding wounds and nothing else could prevent death, it should not replace current use model of medkits.

I'm rooting for this idea because it does a disservice to playing experience when a soldier carrying a medkit dies of wounds during the same round he was injured or the very next round; current wound system is great with that exception. There should be time to try and save the wounded soldier, isn't that the whole point of it? The guy still runs as fast as ever, operates complicated alien equipment like nothing but can't try and to compress his own wounds to reduce bleeding, c'mon.
It is all about the playing experience, you are perfectly right.

Here is what I imagine easily as a possible case. Lets say you failed into some mission. Having Lost one of your best soldiers, you analyse what happened and you notice that the lost soldier was carrying 4 medikits and despite you could have hidden him safely until the battle ends, he died because none of his stock of medication was abble to help him at least to extend a little his life time. If I didn't miss your argument you would feel very disappointed if it occured - just like all of us.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2013, 08:35:52 pm by krilain »

Offline Anarch Cassius

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Re: self-medication with medikits
« Reply #7 on: January 11, 2013, 08:41:40 pm »
I'm not nessicarily against a heavily penalized way to do this, but I will say that you should remember a soldier can drop a medkit for another to use. This helps a lot when not every soldier is strong enough to carry a kit or one runs out.

Offline geever

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Re: self-medication with medikits
« Reply #8 on: January 11, 2013, 11:06:02 pm »
It is not for a vote. Topic locked.
