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dragging weapons in battlescape?

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what is the function of being able to drag a weapon with the mouse in battlescape?

is it possible to throw items, like ammo or medikits?

could someone answer these questions, please?

I don't even know what you're talking about.

Sorry if I was unclear. In battlescape, at the bottom corner you can see the selected soldier's weapon: you can "grab" it with your mouse and drag it around. Is this useful somehow?

Second question was if it is possible to throw items other than grenades, like, if a soldier is out of ammo, can another trooper toss a clip his way or is it necessary to drop it, walk away then have the soldier in need walk to that square where he can then pick it up? Can a desperate trooper throw his empty weapon at an approaching alien?

I've never tried to do this. I'm guessing it has no function.

Weapons can't be thrown unless they've been designed to be thrown (ie - a firemode and projectile effect has been created for that).


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