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Author Topic: UFO-AI 2.4 - "crash on loading" & "Blank (non responsive) Screens"  (Read 3607 times)

Offline Zetr0

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Hellol fellow Ufoians =)

Sadly my first post is a bug / problem post, my apologies for this.


System overview

OS: Windows 7 Ultimate (64 bit)
CPU: Intel Dual CPU T2310
GFX: Intel GMA x3100 ( 965 Mobile Express Chipset )

UFO-AI Version : 2.4

(yes I hear you all groan.... Intel....GMA..... and I don't blame you......)

The Problem

Firstly this problem persists in Safe mode, Safe Mode (Windowed) and Normal Mode.  Upon executing the game, the screen mode changes (with exception to windowed mode), the cursor changes, the screen goes black (or window) and then the music starts... sadly thats is as far as it goes.

I just sits there tempting me with some great atmospheric tunes and a black screen, to which Win 7 states (unresponsive).

link to log file

As you can see it abruptly ends on line 52

Attempted Remedies

After updating the graphic card drivers I remained with the same problem, After reading some of the threads here I tried turning off shaders by changing the target shortcut to include "+set r_programs 0" however this makes matters worse and the music doesn't even start before windows intercepts it and it states (unresponsive).

Any ideas and help would be most welcome,

Thanks for reading

« Last Edit: December 23, 2012, 05:30:49 pm by Zetr0 »

Offline DarkRain

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Re: UFO-AI 2.4 - "crash on loading" & "Blank (non responsive) Screens"
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2012, 06:09:38 pm »
Well, I'm guessing at this point but what happens if you disable the intel hack? (+set r_intel_hack 0)
Also try +set logfile 2 that should cause the log to be flushed with every line, maybe we can get more info on what might be happening that way

Offline Zetr0

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Re: UFO-AI 2.4 - "crash on loading" & "Blank (non responsive) Screens"
« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2012, 06:42:33 pm »
Hello DarkRain,

Thank you for reading -

I have tried the Program again with the following modifiers

[ +set r_intel_hack 0 ]
(click here for log)


[ +set logfile 2 ]
(click here for log-file

Interestingly with the target set to only logfile 2 - the log file claims to be running UFO-AI - sadly this is not the case - in both cases tried here the application hangs and doesn't even draw it own window properly... just the outline and crash - hangs at that point.


On a brighter note, I have since installed the game on my Media PC....

CPU: AMD 7750+
OS: Vista 64 (Business)
GFX: Nvida 9800 GTX

Not a single fault - straight in and playing... alas I am sadly limited to a 42" Plasma, which I write in irony that its difficult to see the text sometimes.

Still I would love to have this on my Laptop .... maybe time to buy a new one =)

Offline DarkRain

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Re: UFO-AI 2.4 - "crash on loading" & "Blank (non responsive) Screens"
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2012, 05:01:59 am »
Unfortunately, I can't be of more help with this :(, but it's good to hear you can play the game after all :)