Technical support > Linux
problem with updating dev version
I hadn't played in a while, so I read here what's new, ran git fetch and make, launched the game and it says that I'm playing 2.5dev 22th december, but I think I'm not seeing everything that should be new, for an example the mission briefing screen should be here now?
try make maps-sync
Could be your maps aure out of sync :-)
And beware mission Mansion, this map is heavily buggy, Textures are shown as wireframe, no path is visible and others.
git fetch is not enough, it will only download the latest changes but without applying them to your working tree, what you want is:
--- Code: ---git pull --rebase
--- End code ---
I did also re-download maps, so I think (hope) they're up to date.
fetch, pull --rebase, then make again? will try that.
---> dang,
--- Code: ---:~/ufoai$ git pull --rebase
U base/ufos/ptl_misc.ufo
Pull is not possible because you have unmerged files.
Please, fix them up in the work tree, and then use 'git add/rm <file>'
as appropriate to mark resolution, or use 'git commit -a'.
--- End code ---
pull --rebase is enough, it does fetching too.
About the "dang" part: You modified the source.
As you will probably only update and compile, not pushing commits into the central repo, I think it's safe to make a local commit about your changes (git add -u; git commit). "pull -rebase" will update and move your patch to the top.
There can ofc. be conflict with the new changes, but rarely, nothing unresolvable.
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