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Author Topic: Using two one-handed wepons  (Read 5327 times)


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Using two one-handed wepons
« on: October 26, 2006, 09:10:44 pm »
In File: UFOAI-2.0-RC5\src\docs\weapons.txt can be read:
"A soldier may use two pistols at the same time, gaining twice the firepower at a small accuracy cost, but using the same amount of TUs as when firing a single gun."

Cool option :D .
But how to do it? :?:


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Using two one-handed wepons
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2006, 11:10:17 am »
Although this option isn't very useful in real combat, it's cool. I hope to be implemented, but throwing two knifes at once would be silly.


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Using two one-handed wepons
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2006, 07:58:48 pm »
Quote from: "sirg"
Although this option isn't very useful in real combat, it's cool. I hope to be implemented, but throwing two knifes at once would be silly.

I disagree. Example: two tachyon pistols, when you don’t have tachyon rifle, give better firepower then plasma or laser :). In addition basic shot of tachyon pistol cost only 8 TUs. So it can be very useful.
So I repeat my question: HOW TO DO IT? or maybe it’s not implemented yet :(.


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Using two one-handed wepons
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2006, 09:02:59 pm »
In real life it's quite difficult to aim and shoot with two pistols at once. It's more a Hollywood stunt than a real practice. Sure, it's cool, that's why I would like to see it in the game, but even if you fire two guns at once, your aim will be quite poor and thus it's better to aim better and shoot with one pistol rather than fire two pistols in a rage, like you see in movies.


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Using two one-handed wepons
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2006, 04:16:06 pm »
At short range (2-3 squares), accuracy does not matter that much,
and most shots will hit even if the aim is quite a bit off.

And that is the range where pistols etc. are most useful for scouts,
snipers, rpg-guys when an alien suddenly pops up nearby.

Low TU-usage is most important here, and two-handed shooting would be even nicer.


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Using two one-handed wepons
« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2006, 05:57:58 pm »
I agree with HaJo. Well then, how soon will I be able to fire 2 pistols at once in the game? ;)

P.S. There would be nice if the accuracy penalty will be specified somewhere.


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Using two one-handed wepons
« Reply #6 on: November 06, 2006, 10:16:48 pm »
I think two pistols would be a great option to have, as long as it does not unbalance the game as far as  applied damge vs. other weapons. A few pitfalls of other games was having these sort of options and typicaly weak weapons ending up doing more damage than the ones intended to be "show stoppers" for the alien scum...  Let us also not forget the "hollywood" aspect of the game itself. Video games are entertainment to begin with, and some flashy, hollywood like effects or skills add alot to the pure enjoyment factor. I find it kind of silly that people start whining and complaining to a great extent about the realism of one certain aspect or another, when the whole basis of the game is of "aliens" on earth and us fighting them with something less than our full might of the combined arms of our planet! lol So, yeah, two pistols would be cool, and thus just maybe shedding some light on a few other neat options of the sort for just the cool factor alone!


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Using two one-handed wepons
« Reply #7 on: November 07, 2006, 04:09:58 am »
Pistols/knives in two hand, sounds good, looks cool but accurcy cost should be big as two bullets have more chance hitting with 50% acc than 1 bullet with 75% accur...

Also Human/bot that carryes two pistols(in hands) shouln't be able to pick things up from ground... or maybe open doors....


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Using two one-handed wepons
« Reply #8 on: November 07, 2006, 07:36:26 am »
I dunno if that's a bad thing...

75% shot accuracy in 12 TU's, or 50% accuracy in 8 TU's

(I don't have the real figures here), but think about it...  You should hit more when you fire more.  

Although I think aimed shots can get a pretty big bonus.